Thursday, August 30, 2018

My latest composition book is titled if it bleeds it leads

I'm at work right now working on a roof in Loch Erin Michigan.
On my way over I stopped to write-in my composition book. I had to search to find a blank page. I was looking at the hits on my blogger page and I see some are from an unknown region. Do you suppose the Martians or watching me? I don't know what to believe anymore I'm just going to go back up on the stupid roof.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

We have an active shooter ( if it bleeds it leads)

We have an active shooter
Another coward
Maybe an extremist
Playing terrorist
On the defenseless

We have an active shooter
Another student bullied
Or couldn't fit in

We have an active shooter
Another disgruntled employee
Tired of the weekly grind
And the Daily News

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Then we all forget because
We have an active shooter

Bob Jenkens

My Kindle direct author page.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

My future forecast. "Time to shit or get off the pot"!

Another week
another month
another year
Some other day
I have to change my ways
Or things will be the same

Time to shit or get off the pot
Today,  tonight, tomorrow
Weather always changes
So why can't I?
whip up a tornado
a hurricane
Or some controversy
To go viral

Bob Jenkens


my Kindle Direct author page at