My face isn't carved in a mountain. I've never been struck by lightning.
I've never saved a crying baby from a burning house fire nor have I over come my misfortunes in life to acquire a name for myself. I consider myself a writer although all I've written is only pieces of torn limbs of my distraught existence. (a bunch of poems)
It's something my dad use to say
I called him out on it once
You know that don't make sense
What does it mean?
You're too young he said
Some day it will make sense.
You can't win for losing
You're right dad
I see it now
But you know what's weird?
It gives me this immense desire
To publish a book 📖
How's a book going to help?
God works in mysterious ways.
You can't win for not trying
Just saying.... /sooner-or-later-were-all-dieing-living.html?m=1
I met Amber at church. She was 26 and I was 40 something. I know I didn't want her to know where I lived or my age.
She didn't seam to mind I lived in a trailer park when she found out. I don't look my age if she asks what will I say? I was prepared to lie. Shave off ten years.
I would hate to give her a reason not to like me. She is absolutely beautiful!
Dislike me because I'm older? Ok I am.
Dislike me because I'm a liar? I'm not.
Amber never ask my age like it doesn't matter.
I am who I am.
People are going to say alot Amber....
And you'll hear lots of who I am
I am the man you think I am
I love you 💋 xoxoxoxo!
Amber found out my age in 2017 when she did my taxes. I didn't even remember that I used to worry about telling her my age. (If she should ask).
She looked at my papers
Then looked back at me. "Your only 3 years younger than my dad".
I love you Amber!
Can we put my past to don't ask don't tell?
I'll come out of this shell.
You'll see
What I've been hiding from
And what you mean to me.
She can't be right
Can read and write
But don't think right
It's not a disease
It's an addiction
Don't stereotype
I'm not with her!
I think they should tattoo heroin addict on their forehead! They look just like anyone else. A Tattoo let's a guy know this woman is no good stay away.
I relapsed myself today, I'm on a roof again. Relapse is part of recovery.
But you can bet your ass there ain't no addicts on this roof. Just one dumb poet. But I love to roof a house all by myself. I better get back to it.
Stick a fork in it.
If you want to celebrate
Mothers day (Christina Benton)
Go down to
Your mothers grave
Take your needle
And spoon herion
And don't hesitate
To tell your mom
Your children have
All been taken away. three-strikes-youre-out-if-it-bleeds-it.html?m=1
You'll be spending mothers day
Without your kids
It's just you and me mom
Love you to the spoon
and back.
And can't no one take it away.
Your silver spoon
Randy Bentonrelapsing.
Love you to the
Spoon and back
Grandma Ruth.
I remember when
Father Paul
Would take a knee
To kiss the altar
I would stand so close
So I could help him up
If need be
I was always an unsure
Altar server
But you could look over
At Jean Schaub
And she could give
You a nod
"Good job"
Or direct you where
You need to be
I remember washing feet
With Father Paul
He would take
Several knees
I would help him up
And give him a towel
I miss you Father Paul
I hope you're playing golf
And your feet are clean!
I will affect the lives of many people
In a positive way
"Some day"
My life will open up and flourish
That's "why" I survive!
Bob Jenkens
This remained in my composition book with no title for years and years. I wrote it in one of my rock bottom times in my life so I questioned why did I write this? It's in my will write for food Kindle book along with early February maybe May and smile./early-february-maybe-may-will-write-for.html?m=1 /smile-will-write-for-food.html?m=1
Nothing makes you happier than finding your dog unharmed and he's been missing for days. lost-dog & found
It was an extensive search on social media, flier's I made turned up nothing. I drove around looking for him still nothing. As I drive around looking for my dog. I give it consideration Gavin's mom disappeared five months ago I didn't look for her one time./relapsing.
Amber encourages me to write. She bought me a new book 2 write in she told me "make this your HAPPY book". Gavin's mom didn't like it when I would write. She said I was ignoring her. She said I couldn't write anything good about her. Maybe there is nothing good about her! HAPPY your gone! /three-strikes-you're-out-if-it-bleeds-it
I started writing in a new composition book in May. I titled the book "if it bleeds it leads". It includes autopsy of a poet, autopsy-of-poet. zombie apocalypse, we have an active shooter the list goes on and on.
My mom is hesitant to read what I write. She says it's because I never write anything happy.
My friends know I write. My friend Kurt will actually pick up my composition book and read it.
He notices when I add to a poem or change it. I know he's really reading because he notices.
Kurt would tell you I'm one of the toughest men he knows maybe that's why he doesn't question me for writing poetry. if he needs someone to have his back, he knows I will stand up and fight for him.
Kurt will help me if i need help. He watches me raise my kids by myself and when I'm riddled with stress from life's challenges Kurt knows what these poems are about. I think it impresses Kurt that I can take my life's struggles and translate them into a stupid poem. I hope writing is Gods purpose for me and someday life becomes not so difficult, then I can write encouraging poems. Who knows maybe my mom will read me from cover to cover. How could she not? It's on the front cover "My happy book"
You're on Page one Mom. "Hidden-from-reality" is a poem I wrote to my mom while I was incarcerated in the Michigan department of corrections, I don't know how I could have done it without your support mom.
We f💋.
I wrote this sitting in St Mary's parking lot it's called "early February maybe May" this is from a roof top.
Mr Sparky Wags isn't just a dog he's my good best friend!
There are good people.
Sue Kelly took care of my dog.
A stray that wandered in
She gave him a bath
And helped him find home
Mr. Sparky Wags isn't just a dog he's on the cover of my what colors Humanity book. Thank you sue for showing your Humanity.
We've roofed houses together for 18 years. We fish together camp together we've sat in the back of a police car together more than once. He's gone to jail I've gone to jail but we always make bail!
We've poured concrete together check out this video of him. I teased him all morning about having roast beef. He waited till the cement was down and he ate his roast beef then went over and put his foot stamps in the wet cement.
We had never been introduced
I stood in her pew
And tried not
To look in her eyes
She caught me
Time after time
Then we were assigned
To decorate the church together
I stood on a ladder
She handed me ornaments
She made curtains for the windows
The sun ricochet from her eyes
As we hung them
Again I try not to look in her eyes
They look like I could Dive Right In.
I got up to read scripture in front of the church.
As I face the congregation I could always find these eyes looking back at me!
She makes me feel
Like I need to be more
To equal her beauty
Those eyes and her long dark hair
The shape of her lips
Could you imagine her kiss?
When I look
You in the eyes
Do you feel me?
In them?
Swimming in their beauty
Shades of color
Like a coral reef
Under a perfect Blue Sky
Did you know
Such natural beauty exist
From her long dark hair
To the shape of her lips
Could you imagine her kiss?
Hey babe, I wrote this for you before you knew I wrote. And before I even got to hold you. I just stole peeks of you down the pew.
I know you've been catching me swimming in your eyes again.
There must be something about them. Because they read me like a book!
Amber: why do you have that grin on your face? She asks with a grin.
Scott: I didn't think I would ever get to see these eyes this close from this angle Happy Valentine's babe!
I want to build
A Wall
as big as
The Great Wall of China
Only straight up!
It can't only be seen
From space
It's seen around
The World
On CNN,BBC and Fox news
On the front page
of the Washington Post
The written light
Not showing
Any Racial discrimination.
The Wall of Good Faith!
Now it's time to say goodbye
To all my Google friends
Should we be disappointed
All our posts are coming to the end?
GOO GLE E that's a failing grade
plus I feel I've been cheated.
But thanks for giving me
April 2
To make this happen.
It was one of my first radio jobs WABJ 1490 am. It wasn't full time it was board operator mostly. It was my foot in the door. There was a sign up sheet in the hallway. I took all the games shows or elections I could. Of course I had to get a day job to. I took a position at Ricks Body shop in Addison. It was a collision repair shop but I can do body work I can paint. I told Rick when I took the position that radio was my priority and if I needed a day off to do a remote broadcast or something I would give him fair notice. I had better part of a year in when the head body man got sick. I started doing more at the body shop. Rick seen my ability to do what ever he threw at me. I might be doing a red wings game til 12 or 1 in the morning. Then get up and go to the body shop. Rick approached me one day and he told me if I gave up my radio job he would make me head body man which incurred a significant raise. I've been making 5 dollars an hour at the radio station and 6 dollars an hour at the body shop. I know I've always dream about the perfect radio job But isn't this an opportunity?
I quit the radio station to become head body man at Ricks. For a substantial raise. I guess I should have asked Rick his definition of substantial. He sat me down after I quit my radio job and explained to me I'm going from 6 an hour to 6.25. That's substantial?I'm furious I guess I should have asked more questions. I want to punch the dude right in his face. I removed myself by going to lunch and not coming back. I've quit two jobs one for the other. I think my next job was Clyde construction..whats-best-job-i-ever-quit-if-it-bleeds.html
They wrote me up because I didn't go fix the air conditioner at the tower site on Easter Sunday. I flipped over the piece of paper and wrote my two weeks notice on the back. I've been a dumb roofer ever since. I had fixed the air conditioner before because the engineer was on vacation and we were off the air. They gave me a bag of powdered donuts for it. This time the engineer was at the tower site talking with Bob Elliot the station owner who told him not to fix it have me the disc jockey come and fix it. I work for donuts right?
I remember a listener called me and told me I should be using my position in radio to report on the injustice that goes on at the Lenawee county court building. I told him I just don't have time. I make 14 thousand dollars a year. I have to leave here and go to work everyday. whats-best-job-i-ever-quit-if-it-bleeds.html I would talk about my builders on the air and they were throwing roof jobs at me. I can roof a house by myself. And Love doing it. Just ask anyone who's been on the ground within 100 yards of me. I'm singing and working sometimes racing a rain storm. a-roofer-in-rome-if-it-bleeds-it-leads.html
I've never quit a roof job exposing the home owner to the elements. The radio station used people. Maybe that's just my opinion but people with dreams of being successful, famous infamous flowed through at alarming rates. People couldn't work there for to long before they were worried about rent and food. My ability to roof a house by myself carried me. Only the radio station kept firing people and telling me their job was my job now. That's what automation did Donald Trump.They even fired the cleaning people and they worked for free commercial spots. They fired Scott Livesay the production engineer. Now making commercials for all three Friends Communication stations is my job. I don't have time to go roof any more. All these added responsibilities with no more money. Maybe it's just my opinion but I think radio will use peoples dreams.