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Monday, March 3, 2025

it's March madness in Ukraine

It's March madness in the Ukraine!
Everyone's bracket is broken
Here comes a seventh seed. 
to live and die for Democracy.

Here comes an underdog the under dog
 Ukraine against the odds
Tomorrow the courts will host.
Duke and Maryland
 The Supreme court will repeal Roe vs Wadegive the kids a new set of rules
While NATO denies a no-fly zone 
It only counts as two coming from three-point land.
Everyone's bracket is broken.

Bob Jenkens 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

believe you me, Humanity

Quite simply put, people need to believe 
whatever they need to be at peace with themselves 
to save this planet from our own selfish greed. 
No hate and believing peace could be 
believing in you.  
And believing in me.

Bob Jenkens 


What's right, What's wrong 
What's changed or not the same 
Why do I feel 
I need to kill 
Hang myself on a cross at the capitol 
The beginning of the end For me But then you'll see 
What's right, what's wrong 
What's changed or not the same 

Bob Jenkens