Thursday, March 13, 2014


          "DAM IT"
No matter how bad it seems.
It could be worse.
Like when you cut yourself and
Don't bleed.
You just know "IT HURTS".
                      bob jenkens

Have you ever gashed yourself? Look at it so fast you see white meat?
Think for a second "at least it's not bleeding"? Then the gash fills in with blood you lift my hand and the blood runs down my arm dripping from my elbow. Damit!

I write in one of those black and white composition books.  Always use a pencil but never the eraser. I scribble circle things and start over allot. I wrote this while working at mix 102.5 in Adrian Mi. On one of those little sticky notes. It never had a title until I put it in my little black book.  
 This was just another test trying to get a link to my Author page at Amazon Author Central.
COMPUTER FRIENDLY is an oxymoron!

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