Sunday, March 30, 2014

who's on first? what's on second? where is safe?


The question now is where is safe?
The tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary school could leave doubt any where is safe.    In fact if you look back at the year 2012 shooters targeted malls, villains targeted movie theatres.
  Earth quakes, tsunami's even war has a little more understanding than these senseless killings.
  We try and prepare for tornadoes or fires to save lives. We have students running drills. Understanding evacuation plans and procedures. The question isn't who's on first? Or whats on second? The question now is where is safe? Where is our security blanket? Shouldn't we feel that our professionals our Judges, Sheriffs, police, council members and government officials don't they have it all under control?
 Have you been in a court building lately? They have guards and metal detectors at the door protecting their own security. Thursday March 13 the daily telegrams lead story "county ID policy stopped" it was stopped partly because three council members failed to show up for the vote. The telegram reports the biggest objection on the ID policy was from the prosecutors office over concern the badges could make their employees a target of violence. Their professionalism will lead to violence toward them? our public officials have their own security at interest. their own agenda. Weather it be a radicalized Citizen a disgruntled co worker or a crazy gamer what's the answer to the question?
 The question now isn't who's on first or what's on second? The question now is where is safe?

                                                                                                            Bob Jenkens

                 Paul Harvey "if I were the devil".

Two of my poem's. "Ketchup" and "job related stress". I spent 17 hours doing the audio in the 60 second piece. The video is thrown together I'm a sound man. But consider every roof in the video I roofed by myself. Well me and my dog Sparky wags.

              Sparky at work pouring cement

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