Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Bucket List

The bucket list
 Is it a real bucket or a real list? I have no life threatening prognosis.
However anxiety builds and I’m compelled to write.  It’s what I feel I have to do.
I can’t explain it.right-write-written.html 
 Here I sit writing my bucket list. On a bucket as I ice fish.
Does it matter what I see or have seen happening in my lifetime?
 I don’t know what’s what or who’s who. But I wish you could all see the way I do.
(Wish the fish would start to bite too).be civilized sooner-or-later-were-all-dying .html 
I use to fish in my dreams or fall asleep thinking of going fishing.
Anymore I don’t dream.  Instead I fall asleep thinking of what I should write.
I have 8 or 9 things I’d like to write about. I don’t know what order they go.
Overwhelmed? Why do I feel I need to write anything?
I can hardly read.  I can read of course……  It just seems I forget
 From the top of the page to the bottom.  Somewhere in the middle I had to read a sentence
3 times to understand what it meant.  So why do I feel like I have an obligation to write.
I feel like I have a story to tell but just like I read I get lost when I write…
My poems are inspired by experience in my life.
It’s my bucket list!
Man I wish these fish would bite.               

              Bob Jenkens   

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