Tuesday, April 7, 2015

stupid is as stupid does

Am I stupid or something?
In my previous experience in radio broadcasting I worked as news director at q 95 country in Adrian Michigan. My favorite news story to write was based on the facts. That made it easy. I would broadcast the news on two live radio shows twice an hour at the: 30 breaks was just a tease. Then after the seven a.m hour news breaks close at 7:06. I raced to the Adrian cities police station to read and take notes from new reports that were written overnight. Then I raced to lennawee counties sheriff’s department read news reports from overnight incidents that sheriffs had responded to. Then went back to the station took my notes from both law enforcement agencies and put together my news broadcast for the 8 o’clock hour. It was a race. Facts spoke fast. At 7:30 a.m I’d Tease a story for the 8 o’clock hour. Sheriffs responded to a home invasion on forester road overnight. City police report a shooting in the Erie street area overnight. “More details at 8”. Now you have 28 minutes to write the story. There’s no time to investigate a story. The police reports were facts to write on. Or are they? Everyday there were new stories new facts. It was the same race every day. (I wrote the poem “job related stress” at the radio station). I remember seeing a police report at the sheriff’s department. A bomb threat at Addison schools. Called in and specified a specific part of the school. After a search turned up nothing. The sheriff and superintendent Geoffrey kirsch decided the threat was a hoax and weren’t going to take any actions to protect students. They obviously didn't write in the police report that they weren't going to tell anyone. I ran the story at the tease with details at the top of the hour not giving any thought of the kids that were on buses on their way to school. By my 8 o’clock news I’d been contacted by the sheriffs and the superintendent of the schools telling me not to run the story again. Bus loads of kids are showing up at school crying and afraid to get off the buses. At a special school board meeting sheriff Germond and Geoffrey kirsch tried to put the blame on the media saying if I hadn't run the story no one would have known no better. Parents stood for me told them they were glad I ran the story like I had. They had no right to decide on their Childs safety. Not even tell them of a possible threat to their children? What if there had been an actual threat? And their children were being driven into an actual threat? Those kids are all grown up now. I’m sorry. I apologized personally to the sheriff. I received a personal invitation to his retirement Christmas party. I did attend. Geoffrey Kirsch did not invite me to his early retirement.

It May have been stupid of me but I think it will serve some purpose I don't see yet. I didn't apply for the news director position. It was thrown in my lap. I tried but I wasn't good at it.
Has to be some purpose God wanted me to see.

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