Thursday, July 7, 2016

no shoes no shirt no service

Its clearly posted on every type of business across America. It's common sense isn't it?
Especially in the food industry No shoes No shirt No service! other things aren't  so clear and we question who wrote that. Myself for example I write humanitarian poems and it builds anxiety in me that I can't seem to write it down in plain English.        supercalifredulious is expialidocious
No shoes no shirt no service plain English but I didn't write it. I'll admit to all my readers now
"I'm Mean". How can a humanitarian be mean? I ask myself that question and I think that's what builds the anxiety.  I was the smallest kid in class growing up so I know bullied. My dad got so tired of me coming home crying that he encouraged me to fight back. He told me "hit them if their giving you shit" and "if you don't think you can beat them up hit them with something"!   I realize now that wasn't good encouragement.  Or was it? I watch our Government bully the people at election time.
throw us some candidates that you can only wonder which is the lesser evil. Even Vladimir Putin sees that.what-would-jesus-do-if-he-were-sitting next to you watching the news. Our elections are rigged! do we have to accept that? maybe we should start picking up sticks.  dont-stay-down.html.
 Our political corruption starts at a local government level. Look at what city council members did in Flint. Personally I've been bullied into homeless. for two years I was homeless I've had a house now for about two months still don't have a couch or a t.v. I don't have internet most of what Ive published I've used my phone or like now I'm at McDonalds. Lenawee county prosecutor castlebary and sheriff jack welch and some other local government officials ran me out of town. I wrote several poems about the whole injustice. It's a poor people thing. If our local Governments were bullying rich people it would not be tolerated. And the Donald Trumps they don't have a clue about how our courts are praying on people. I see that lenawee county has a ten year plan to end homelessness in the county. It was put on the internet in 2006 abandoned in 2010. from what I can see their plan is to incarcerate the poor and run the rest out of town.poor-people-for-breakfast.html
When I see these police shootings of innocent poor people  it out rages me. I want to scream from the top of a mountain
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take anymore!"  tweet-me-to-president-write-way-scott.html
and then they get away with it.... OMG

what color's Humanity is the name of the book I published through kindle direct publishing it's 99 cents. Will write for food is the book I published just before i lost my home. I mean after it was illegally taken from me. same Judge took my dog took my house. As a previous news director I see it as a major story that's been thrown in my lap.  MY LIFE ....

I have Mr Sparky waggs back.... I wrote a complaint against the county sherriff jack welch for editing a 911 call for fabricating a crime with that 911 call. also have a letter from atty general Bill Shuttee telling me to file a complaint... I told them give me the dog and I won't file the complaint! Look here he is on the cover and back to going to work again (on days he chooses).
 "what colors Humanity"?
Our Justice system is just that
poor people
Rich people better look out
because after they've eaten us
their appetites don't subside!

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