Sunday, September 11, 2016

accidents happen

Accidents happen! They are inevitable you don’t see them coming or you would take evasive actions to avoid one.  Sometimes we hurry plus our minds are distracted   and life’s reality crashes on us.  Bam an accident! Is it going to cost a limb? We weigh out how it could have been worse to accept the actuality of “the accident” I still have two fingers or at least I still have my thumb.  In others we might consider how many lives might have been saved.   We have to go into a salvage mode to put things back to normal. It’s the consequences to the accident that can make things seem UN mend able. You can’t give up or quit right? We proceed with a” life goes on” mentality until we can fully accept the consequence. “Man I wish I hadn’t done that” but it’s too late.  You don’t have a time machine take what’s coming. Maybe we can take a life tragedy and turn it into a good thing? Look at the positive. Sometimes in life is it accidental or tragic we have to accept reality “it is what it is”./2014/03/damit.html

This is what I have. Where is it?  I want to be? Or not to be? That is the question.  Where I am right now cannot be an accident even though I’m threatened with homeless. I want to be on the Ellen show. Ellen takes care of people in their life stories. My stories documented with poems.  If she put me on her show and I could explain the inspiration of each poem people would buy my book and I could come down off the roof and show my cause for the poor people. I roof for a living because it pays my bills and I’m really good at it. I sometimes imagine God carries me on a roof. You should see me move. One time a neighbor to a house I was roofing told me I looked like a little kid on top of a great big pile of sand when I’m on the roof.” That’s the best comparison I’ve ever heard” I told him.   I can carry two bundles of shingles up a ladder at the same time on a bet a dare or to impress a pretty girl. Lol. I imagine God carries me because roofing seems so easy to me and a roof is just a shelf God has put me on until his purpose for me is revealed.  I sure hope his plan is not to make me a famous roofer.  Like Michael De Angelo a famous painter or Jesus the carpenter. As much as I like it I’m just   Scott the dumb poet who roofs houses by his self.  My mom always told me I’m not funny when I think I’m funny. My girlfriend Christina tells me I’m stupid.  Maybe I am stupid. Never take me to serious unless I’m serious you can tell the difference by reading my disclaimer/2015/10/my-disclaimer.html. I only try to be funny so life doesn’t seem so hard on me. As hard as life has been it could be worse. It has been no accident! God has a purpose for me.  If you’re reading me now it is no accident. I need your help! 

share me like your trying to save the world

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