Sunday, May 28, 2017

It's not the first Memorial day weekend I've remembered working.

I worked late Monday thru Thursday so I could have Friday off.
On Friday I started a side job roofing a house by myself. It's the holiday weekend so I have Monday to. A four day weekend on a roof. I remember being a news director at Q-95 country in Adrian Michigan and on Memorial day weekend I was roofing a house for Mid-west builders.
I'm afraid  of heights but this morning I shot a video on the very top of a roof.

Early February maybe May

I'm gonna start over
like I was just born this morning
a brand new day
Sun is shining
birds are singing
a 65 degree spring day
a perfect day to learn to walk again
Freed from this cocoon
I've been rapped up in
I'm gonna start over
when Blessings descend
And flourish in warm Sun rays
Take a deep breath
brush off my shoulders
reach for the sky and
rise to my feet
Look straight ahead
It's a brand new day!

Bob  Jenkens



Sunday, May 21, 2017

sly like a fox!

 this fox thought it was going to eat my duck and then sit in the hay field and wait until it needed more to eat and then come back. I chased the fox back into his den like the fox was an Isis leader,
I shoved bottles of gasoline down into his den and I lit him up! I see the fight! Make it gone!
I wish everything else was so clear. Ice is? isis? I don't know how to spell it.  Destroy!
You know where i'm at tomorrow. just one stupid fox opened the door to me killing humanity.
the mother of all bombs is coming and sly like a fox is ruined because I know.
I wish I could handle death as well as my six year old Gavin.something came in and killed his pet duck last night. The duck's name was baby duck Gavin and Baby duck grew up together. The duck would come running to greet Gavin from the school bus. He truly was amazing!
Our female duck "Big duck" was also injured and I'm not sure she's going to make it. I've placed her on her nest of eggs. I'm sure "baby duck" fought to his death to save her. I'm so saddened. I tried twice to put them to bed last night but they ran from me because they like to be in the rain.
 Gavin took it well he says "get me two baby ducks" "yeah and a bunny".
I'm so sorry!!! I don't know why shit happens.

I'm a dog man myself. Mr Sparky wags and I have been together for 15 years.
He's a special dog. he don't know any tricks but he understands plain English
He goes to work with me most every day. I work as a roofer. While I'm on a roof sparky just lays under me somewhere watching me. We've been through so much. We've been in the back of police cars together. I've gone to jail. Sparky's gone to jail.I'm not gay but I love this dude!
I'm so hurt about this duck I can't stop thinking of back in January Sparky and I were riding in my truck and I asked him "Sparky" I said to him sitting over there in the passenger seat looking like he wished I'd get over and let him drive. "Sparky what am I gonna do without you bud"? In reference to his passing when the day comes. What will I do? It's going to crush me.. I can just about make myself have an anxiety attack before I clear my mind. Just days later my dad has a heart attack and is admitted to allegiance hospital where he died. what-color-are-you-does-it-matter.html.
Gavin took dads death really good to. He didn't ask for two new grandpas. Months have gone by and he understands now... Still I don't know.. Stupid duck why didn't you just go to bed. I Love you Dad. Take care of that dumb duck!

Bob Jenkens

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hidden from reality

It wasn't Mother's Day, but I wrote this poem to my mom when I was in prison at camp water loo 1990.
I was anticipating a visit from mom, and I was out walking the yard. It was crazy foggy. As I walked, I thought about how good my mom has been to me. I've been in prison for three years, and she still comes and sees me regularly. She writes me letters even if it's a quick note to say I love you or thinking of you. This has been a hard journey but with my mom's support I can overcome this.
 "Weekend picnic visits". I bet the department of corrections aren't allowing those anymore. Mom would bring food. Not just food real food! Not the jail food I've been eating. I'm talking fresh fruits. They had barbecue grills on the visiting yard. They were "weekend picnic visits". Mom would bring my son Teddy to visit. I've been incarcerated his whole life. We were outside having a picnic. It was assurance it gave you hope someday this will end and I get to walk out these doors with mom. It was like your best Christmas ever. The Christmas you never wanted to end. Unlike Christmas at the end of this day you didn't go back to your bed. You went back to prison. The closest thing to war I've ever known.
 They Have P.A speakers mounted on top of the 12 foot Constantine fence that surrounds the prison.
They blast out units as they are called to chow and also to inform inmates they have a visit.
Still impressed by the fog I'm writing a poem I always had something to write on. I walk into the center of a deserted prison yard and look around. In the center of the yard, I can't even see the fence. I wish I could just go home with mom today...... Maybe when the fog clears, I'm not really here....  " Clark 623 report to the control center you have a visit".
I get out to the visiting yard to find Teddy and my mom. Give hugs I give mom the copy of this untitled poem and tell her "I wrote this about you this morning" she reads it and asks," How's this about me?"
I told her "You're the fog"! I Love you mom Happy Mother's Day! Scott Clark

AKA Bob Jenkens

Hidden from reality

Today it's all foggy
It's what you might say is a limited sight distance.
I can barely see the ground
as I walk with my head hanging down
I've been In prison
for what seems to be all eternity
Tom Petty's Free falling is playing on my radio
but all I see is cold brick walls and Constantine
I walk into the center of the yard and like the world
I turn on an imaginary axis....
Nothing is all I can see
the fog is so thick has it set me free?
I'm not really here..... I'm floating in a cloud.
I'm thinking to myself but it's so quiet I seem loud.
Throughout all this time we've been through a lot
if only the fog would stay in this spot.
it's almost over if only you would stay
let me see the stars at night but hide me from the day!

Bob Jenkens


Friday, May 12, 2017

I quit my job today dad!

I've been wrestling with the thought for weeks now. I liked working at Rossman construction but to many times on my way in to work I would get a text message "were taking today off". Then the same week rain moves in and I end up with a ten hour check. Then when you follow with a twenty nine hour week your approaching financial devastation. Now that it's written in front of me I wonder what took me ten weeks to quit? My dad died in January what-color-are-you-does-it-matter.html (i love you dad). It use to be on rain days I would go hang out with dad. He gives me advice or would give me advice i mean. Dad would have told me to quit this job weeks ago. I went and got another job on Wednesday so I have work lined up. I no dad would have told me that too. Dad I miss you!!!
When I got the job with Rossman construction it hurt me that I couldn't share with you the excitement of landing what seemed at the time to be a good job. worked me right into a hole.
 It's Friday it's 9 a.m That new job is waiting for me. Sparky don't have to stay home now this new builder don't care if I bring my dog to work. Pays more I can work weekends. I know I should go start the new job. but i know if dad was alive and I went to his house and told him "I finally quit my job"
Dad would tell me "GO Fishing"! I know he would. the-bucket-list.html 

I Love you Dad I'm gone fishing!

Friday, May 5, 2017

The magic composition book

I write in these 99 cent composition books. I bet I have a pile three feet high. When you turn the pages you see page after page of poems. The ink changes color from sentence to sentence or   sometimes a verse is in pencil because it's compiled from what I see as I continue day to day.  Even though it has spelling errors and poor punctuation one must admire how hard I continue to work. Especially when you come across the pages I've used to bid a roof job.  That's what I do for money to live. I roof houses.  Stuck between some politically motivated poem is a plea to the world to slow down for a minute...... Step back and breath.... Before it's too late... for all Humanity!

Humanity (must read)
Holy water h2o-water.html
why (Is it my place?)