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Monday, April 11, 2016

Is snot funny? In Romania, Poland, Portugal and Germany?

Is snot funny?
I know your watching
snot right
whats snot write
the incorrectness of my punctuation
or my spelling?
it's not right and
I'm trying 2 be funny
is rite a word?
or maybe it's snot write
to rite
about my spelling
The incorrectness...
is in your punctuation
It's snot right
your judgement
of my spelling
when I'm right
I write
in any language
although it may be mispelled

Bob Jenkens

Irene Poole was a retiered school teacher. when I showed her my poems she pointed out all my mistakes.
She told me some people won't read through mistakes. I'm sorry if my grammar upsets you. I'm not smart have never claimed to be but I still write stick with me and read please it leads somewhere.


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