Sunday, August 20, 2017

Day will turn into night (The world can change)

At work Friday  I was cutting boards to install windows in the barn Ben and I have been building. Ben wasn't there yet and I had a thought in my mind, I wrote it down on a piece of 2x6 about 36 inches long..... it's about the eclipse of the sun...... the poem is subject to change.
What if during the eclipse everything changed?   earth-quakes-volcanic-eruptions.html
 What if we were magnetically tilted just one degree? and nothing worked anymore?
I'm sure the eclipse will not change a thing...... but what if it could change Humanity?

2x6 about 36 inches long

I hope that on Monday
when the moon moves
between the Earth and Sun
People can stop "       "
and become one!
"Humanity" humanity.html

Watch the eclipse in real time

 The World can change.... That means the people. Not the day not the night..

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