Thursday, November 29, 2018

Food stamps and public assistance " if it bleeds it leads"

Food stamps government assistance nothing has been easy for Gavin and me. I've had him since he was 5 months old. We were forced to get put on food stamps when I got him. At the time I was very appreciative they were our livelihood. I was on unemployment and I got a check for $340  twice a month. And get this Lenawee County Friend of the Court started taking $30 of each check to pay for Gavin's child support and I had him! I was taking him to the Department of Human Services to do these supervised visits with Gavin's mom three times a week .  She was on methadone and they were using the visits to drug test her. If she couldn't pass the test she wouldn't come and they would make me reschedule. She's showing up to visits with needle holes in the tops of her feet. I can't believe these professionals are doing this to this baby and me. " we can't throw Chrissy away" that's what they told me. I told them they needed to stop taking money from my unemployment checks. They said someone had to pay for Gavin's insurance. So I told them I needed some help.  They told me they had to keep Gavin in Chrissy's name to pay for her methadone. But they could give me food stamps. I was glad to get them even though pulling out a bridge card is embarrassing. Writing about it is even worse. When you receive Food Stamps they are for food not taxable products. I would watch as I drove by the grocery store to see who was working at the IGA because some of the workers would let me get diapers on my Bridge Card.
  Like I said nothing has been easy on Gavin and me. I told DHS look what you're doing to this woman on this methadone she's a wreck.  They told me she had a court date Thursday and they thought I should come to it. In the hallway before her hearing they gave me a piece of paper with the allegations against her. 28 allegations oh my God as I read she was put on methadone in January because she dropped dirty for opiates.  Gavin was born April 19th so she was 6 months pregnant doing heroin? All her parental rights were removed. She ended up fleeing the state and then they put Gavin in my name. So now DHS sends me Chrissy's mail and I get these Pages where she's been getting gas mileage? Well yeah they were giving her $28.60 a day to drive to Jackson and get the methadone. Nothing has been easy on Gavin and me.  Christina ended up in jail she did several months so when she got out I gave her a second chance because I knew she was clean. It never goes away and I'll never understand it. There were times she sat me down in a chair face to face and wanted to have a rational conversation about her going away for the weekend to her dad's to do heroin and she wanted to take Gavin with her. We're not even going to talk about this if you want to go do heroin pack your s*** and go! "No"  she would tell me and expect some kind of explanation. I'm not good at explanations especially when I'm right and you're wrong. She's learned there's no sense in trying to talk to me. Just pack your stuff and get down the road. /relapsing I'm sorry if I can't understan or sometimes I could be so mean but I never put a rig in the girls arm and obviously I got some Forrest Gump love for my Jenny.
  Gavin is taking her leaving really good. This is the third time. It's been three years since the last time so he don't remember life without her. Three weeks without hearing a call from her can make a kid realize things real fast.

We made up Gavin's Christmas list the other night and he said to me I bet Mom don't get me anything for Christmas I told him he's probably right last time we went a whole year without even hearing from her.

Bob Jenkens aka Scott clark
This is Gavin's picture on the front of my Kindle Direct book will write for food that I published in 2014.


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