Thursday, May 14, 2020

"Sorry I'm late"

At the beginning of the covid Epidemic I joined an online writing group to help pass the time. The site administrator would throw a title out and participants had until 5 p.m. to write a short story, Paragraph or poem using the words. Thus, my inspiration for "sorry I'm late". 

Sorry I'm late

It wasn't that long ago
I don't know why
I didn't start it right away
Are homes were lit by
Oil lamps
I've been working on it
In my head for years
But on paper
It just doesn't look the same
 I go to the ice box
To get something to eat
Why's it up to me?
To fix everything
The world's it's own place
Not so discrete
But people continue
To look the other way
Including myself
Let someone else
Be on the front page
The Lord works
In mysterious ways
I'm here
"Sorry I'm late"

Bob Jenkens

  My dad didn't go to culinary school. He used to make a mean hot dog omelet which I also felt compelled to write about. I submitted it to the 2020 pandemic lock down cookbook. I'm grateful my submission was accepted. They even gave me two pages for the recipe, a picture and the poem I wrote.   larry-clarks-famous-hot-dog-omelet.html   

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