Nothing I write....
Is worth dieing for.
Is it worth....
living for?
My face isn't carved in a mountain. I've never been struck by lightning. I've never saved a crying baby from a burning house fire nor have I over come my misfortunes in life to acquire a name for myself. I consider myself a writer although all I've written is only pieces of torn limbs of my distraught existence. (a bunch of poems)
Contact Form
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Truth of the matter is!
You don't even realize what you've actually found!
Discarded from sour relationships and lay in dead silence.
Waiting to be nudged and awakened
In one morning...
Am I deserving
To be in bloom?
Moistened by morning dew
I Am Alive
"Aren't I"?
Bob Jenkens
Discarded from sour relationships and lay in dead silence.
Waiting to be nudged and awakened
In one morning...
Am I deserving
To be in bloom?
Moistened by morning dew
I Am Alive
"Aren't I"?
Bob Jenkens
Thursday, June 18, 2015
I've become scared to realize.
Whats happened to me?
Where I go
I only think I choose
no matter what I do
win or loose Im tierd
but this is my path
ours just crossed
with the memories I drag
I anticipate what I'll see at the end
With real eyes
I begin to realize
things happening for me
This path no matter how hard
is my life
My destiny don't just lie at the end
It is the people I meet
the journey along the way.
Destiny glad you seen me.
bob jenkens
Whats happened to me?
Where I go
I only think I choose
no matter what I do
win or loose Im tierd
but this is my path
ours just crossed
with the memories I drag
I anticipate what I'll see at the end
With real eyes
I begin to realize
things happening for me
This path no matter how hard
is my life
My destiny don't just lie at the end
It is the people I meet
the journey along the way.
Destiny glad you seen me.
bob jenkens
Monday, June 15, 2015
Omg It was only by the grace of God I didn't go to the emergency room just now.I
was on a metal roof in Dewitt .
And it started to sprinkle. My feet came out from under me.
I landed upside down on my back.
sliding down the roof like I was on that giant slide at cedar point. faster and faster
I got turned around and was thinking land on your feet. I got right to the edge I seen I was gonna land on some rocks.
just then I hit a dry spot because of the tree next to the building. My skin squeeked and I stopped. ben tried to cath me as I slid past him. It was only by the gra e of God I'm not broke up. I did tweek my back and rib cage. but like raven samone says I'm ok.
I need a radio job. less risky.
was on a metal roof in Dewitt .
And it started to sprinkle. My feet came out from under me.
I landed upside down on my back.
sliding down the roof like I was on that giant slide at cedar point. faster and faster
I got turned around and was thinking land on your feet. I got right to the edge I seen I was gonna land on some rocks.
just then I hit a dry spot because of the tree next to the building. My skin squeeked and I stopped. ben tried to cath me as I slid past him. It was only by the gra e of God I'm not broke up. I did tweek my back and rib cage. but like raven samone says I'm ok.
I need a radio job. less risky.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
It don't pay to be homeless. Less than minimum wage.
It doesn’t pay to be homeless less than minimum wage. I have a hard time writing a story. This is a true story about Lenawee county taking a baby from his mother giving him to me with little assistance in fact they were still taking child support out of my unemployment checks when I was taking care of Gavin. I forgot to bring that up to Judge Laura shadier at my eviction hearing last year. She scolded me “Mr. Clark single woman raise children by themselves all the time.” I told her I know they do. I commend all single moms. It’s not easy.
Barb Nelson the trailer park *!#$* told the judge she wanted to add two hundred dollars on what I owed because she hadn’t been charging rent for my dog. Mr. Clark Judge Laura said." I took your dog from you your not suppose to have a dog". “You’re wrong your honor that’s not why we’re here today” I replied “but since you did bring it up your honor let’s talk about the 911 call that this court fabricated against me”. It’s all recorded and in court documents. I was threatened with being held in contempt of court. Judge Laura now has to say something on the record. She made her ruling about my animal with the evidence she had been presented. The thing is they wouldn’t let me submit any evidence. I took the edited 911 call to the prosecutor I told him this is criminal he said there’s a conflict in interest that I can’t say that. I wrote a letter to the attorney general Bill Shutte they respond and tell me to file a complaint with the sheriffs. I made the complaint and I told the deputies at the front desk “tell the sheriff give me my dog back and I won’t file this”. I still had to pay for his boarding for the past 5 months and ended up on probation for assault on a police officer all in all cost me about 7 thousand dollars. What was I suppose to do? I had two court appointed attorneys quit me. Erick Kaiser and john t glazier. I have a recorded 911 call edited by the Lenawee county sheriffs. I held a 15 month old baby while Deputy David borton smacked my hand in an attempt to knock my phone out. Think about it they didn't arrest me for six days. assaulting a police officer?Really? No after they edited the 911 call August the sixth at 11:10:42 was the crime fabricated down to the second. I can’t say that I’m told. The 911 call can’t be played in court. I am a communications major with a degree from the Specs Howard School of broadcast arts. I’ve worked in radio as a news director at Q95 country also a program director and morning show personality on mix 102.5. I’ve produced audio clips of my poetry on top of smashing pumpkins music and had the pieces featured at the web page. I can prove everything I say. My dogs right at my feet right now. I’m trying to write a piece about being homeless. I’ve been homeless for over a year now. I live with my dad were not under a bridge I have considered moving into a homeless shelter. I work building and roofing. I take sparky to work with me. I just can’t seem to climb out of this hole. I ran into a woman at play land on east Michigan in Jackson named Penelope. I bet we spent four hours talking. Penelope is the one that got me to write this. “You are a humanitarian” Penelope said to me. “I can’t believe your even right in front of me.” “This is really you”. You have to write “you” she said and she asked me to write something for her. “You don’t know what it’s like to have brown skin” she said to me. That night I wrote “what colors racism?What colors racism? Bob Jenkens Kindle direct author page.
”Poems are pieces of anxiety love expectations and dreams. Being homeless is embarrassing. I published three kindle books in an attempt at my dreams. What drove me into homeless you’re not going to believe? While it was happening I questioned God. I’m doing the write thing here God. Why do I feel you’re not with me? I was already laid off and struggling when I received a call from Lance Cadmus from Lenawee county child protective services. He asked did I know a Christina Benton. Yes I told him. Well she has a baby three months old and we need to determine who the father is. After a few minutes I asked him if the baby was in some sort of danger he said no. I took a dna test. And Gavin Wayne Benton is my son. I’m not going to pretend she never told me she was pregnant. She would call me every month asking me for six hundred dollars so she could have an abortion. I wouldn’t give her the money. I wrote a poem inspired by this called “Pro Life”pro-life.html.
I couldn’t figure out why she never came around if she was pregnant with my baby. I didn’t get to name him see her belly grow. But now that he’s here so I told her my life was a wreck but I would like to make a go at this together. She confessed she was living with her mom and life needed mended as well. I asked her to move in with me. She told me she would she also told me she developed a life threatening illness during her pregnancy and this required her to go to Jackson every day for blood work. Now I feel really bad I wasn’t there for her. I’ve heard woman can develop diabetes during pregnancy. It must have been hard on her. I went down to Morenci and picked them up and brought them home. First thing the next day I drove her to a house on Lansing Ave in Jackson. A line of people going into the house at eight in the morning. I’m a poor person it wasn’t hard to identify these people are poor zombies. After about a week I called Chrissy out. This is not a hospital where am I bringing you? “It’s a methadone clinic.” She told me. What’s methadone? She told me she was taking oxy cotton during her pregnancy and she got put on methadone so she could stop. Now she’s addicted to the methadone and can’t stop taking it or she might die. There were days I couldn’t take her to the clinic child protective service would take her. Or she would have one of four different men take her. Friends that care more about her she told me. Well I don’t want any part of this. Gavin is mine let’s have a joint custody. I took Chrissy back to her moms and Gavin stayed with me. I kept him for a week straight. I took him back to Chrissies to drop him off to be with her for a week. She’s nodding out can’t stay awake house is a wreck cigarette burns in the carpet, tobacco all over the floor. I can’t leave him here. Look at her what’s wrong? It’s my medicine she told me. It’s not medicine I told her “It’s dope”. She lay on my couch sometimes I checked to see if she was still breathing. We have to get you off this stuff. “I’ll die” she told me. When it was my week to watch Gavin I took her home. She would drive by on her way to the clinic have one of these other guys that cared about her taking her up there. After about two months of that I called Courtney Villarreal from child protective services. I’m taking care of this baby I need some help. We have to leave the baby in Chrissies name to pay for her medicine. And I’m still paying child support. Please Get them to quit taking my unemployment I asked. You have to do that. I told Courtney you guys have this woman a wreck on this methadone. She told me that Christina had a court date next week and she thought I should be there. I took Christina there and before the hearing they gave me a piece of paper with all the allegations against her. Gavin tested positive for a drug that’s in heroin when he was born was at the top of the list. There were 28 allegations against her. Failing drug test from the methadone clinic. I felt like I had been kicked right in the balls. I went to my church and sat with our pastoral coordinator Jean Schaub. I would have never messed with this woman had I known she was a heroin addict.herion.html They took Gavin from his mom that day and gave him to me. They still kept his Medicaid in her name to pay for her medicine. In fact they were giving her gas money to drive to Jackson to pick it up 28.60 dollars a day. She never gave me anything for taking her. Wonder what she gave those other guys? They started making me bring Gavin to the department of human services for visits. They would use it to hold sobriety over her head. If she couldn’t pass a test she didn’t show up and Kathy Onsted told me I would have to reschedule. Christina is showing up to visits and she has obvious signs of using intravenous drugs on her. I can’t see why this has to continue. I told Courtney Villarreal. She assured me relapse was part of recovery and it was alright for Chrissie to do heroin as long as she didn’t have the baby. She suggested to me that I needed substance abuse counseling so I could better understand Christina addictions. Are case worker was changed to Erica Hogget. Erica was not so sympathetic with Chrissie. Chrissie was not showing up for her substance abuse counselors and she was still failing the drug test they were giving her at the visits. Now they put Gavin’s Medicaid in my name. I get something of chrissys in the mail Medicaid related. It’s a copy of what they have been paying her for gas money to get to the clinic $28.60 a day six days a week. I showed that to my case worker she suggest to me to go down stairs and ask them what this 28.60 was for because I thought there was some welfare fraud going on. They assured me it was ok this was a charge to have a nurse check on the baby every day. I got mad I told them I knew what this was for I have the baby, that I couldn’t believe you grown professional people could lie to me like that. I asked for Gavin’s birthing records I want to see what’s happened to this baby. I was denied that. Things don’t add up. They put her on methadone January 22 Gavin was born April 19. She was six months pregnant and doing heroin? So you put her on this and she still testing dirty still using? So why give her methadone? Couldn’t even trust her with a week’s supply that’s why she had to go every day. So I was more apt to become a grandpa than a dad but I stepped up. It was about two days after I questioned DHS when they took my dog. Right now in the news our criminal system is painted as racism. Everyone knows it’s no secret if you have a expensive lawyer you’re better off in our Justice system. Do we have any poor people working in the system? Our system beats and eats poor people.poor-people-for-breakfast.html What’s happened to me was not justice it’s just us against them. Rich people against poor people. How do we fight? We WRITE! I can’t help but feel like I’ve been bullied into homeless. Bullied by sheriffs Jack Welch, prosecutor castle bury, judge Laura shadier Child protective services and dhs.
Gavin’s on the cover of “will write for food”. Sparky wags are on the cover of “what colors humanity”. Were looking for about four good people who want to help us. Share this ok-ok.html
I have procrastinated doing this. Trying to work my way out. Penelope was an angel. I told her I’m afraid they’ll take my dog or my baby. “Look at what you write this is your purpose for everything you have to do this for the poor people”. Chrissie says the stuff I write is stupid.
There’s still a bunch coming. Gavin wants to go to McDonalds. We’ll be back.
Barb Nelson the trailer park *!#$* told the judge she wanted to add two hundred dollars on what I owed because she hadn’t been charging rent for my dog. Mr. Clark Judge Laura said." I took your dog from you your not suppose to have a dog". “You’re wrong your honor that’s not why we’re here today” I replied “but since you did bring it up your honor let’s talk about the 911 call that this court fabricated against me”. It’s all recorded and in court documents. I was threatened with being held in contempt of court. Judge Laura now has to say something on the record. She made her ruling about my animal with the evidence she had been presented. The thing is they wouldn’t let me submit any evidence. I took the edited 911 call to the prosecutor I told him this is criminal he said there’s a conflict in interest that I can’t say that. I wrote a letter to the attorney general Bill Shutte they respond and tell me to file a complaint with the sheriffs. I made the complaint and I told the deputies at the front desk “tell the sheriff give me my dog back and I won’t file this”. I still had to pay for his boarding for the past 5 months and ended up on probation for assault on a police officer all in all cost me about 7 thousand dollars. What was I suppose to do? I had two court appointed attorneys quit me. Erick Kaiser and john t glazier. I have a recorded 911 call edited by the Lenawee county sheriffs. I held a 15 month old baby while Deputy David borton smacked my hand in an attempt to knock my phone out. Think about it they didn't arrest me for six days. assaulting a police officer?Really? No after they edited the 911 call August the sixth at 11:10:42 was the crime fabricated down to the second. I can’t say that I’m told. The 911 call can’t be played in court. I am a communications major with a degree from the Specs Howard School of broadcast arts. I’ve worked in radio as a news director at Q95 country also a program director and morning show personality on mix 102.5. I’ve produced audio clips of my poetry on top of smashing pumpkins music and had the pieces featured at the web page. I can prove everything I say. My dogs right at my feet right now. I’m trying to write a piece about being homeless. I’ve been homeless for over a year now. I live with my dad were not under a bridge I have considered moving into a homeless shelter. I work building and roofing. I take sparky to work with me. I just can’t seem to climb out of this hole. I ran into a woman at play land on east Michigan in Jackson named Penelope. I bet we spent four hours talking. Penelope is the one that got me to write this. “You are a humanitarian” Penelope said to me. “I can’t believe your even right in front of me.” “This is really you”. You have to write “you” she said and she asked me to write something for her. “You don’t know what it’s like to have brown skin” she said to me. That night I wrote “what colors racism?What colors racism? Bob Jenkens Kindle direct author page.
”Poems are pieces of anxiety love expectations and dreams. Being homeless is embarrassing. I published three kindle books in an attempt at my dreams. What drove me into homeless you’re not going to believe? While it was happening I questioned God. I’m doing the write thing here God. Why do I feel you’re not with me? I was already laid off and struggling when I received a call from Lance Cadmus from Lenawee county child protective services. He asked did I know a Christina Benton. Yes I told him. Well she has a baby three months old and we need to determine who the father is. After a few minutes I asked him if the baby was in some sort of danger he said no. I took a dna test. And Gavin Wayne Benton is my son. I’m not going to pretend she never told me she was pregnant. She would call me every month asking me for six hundred dollars so she could have an abortion. I wouldn’t give her the money. I wrote a poem inspired by this called “Pro Life”pro-life.html.
I couldn’t figure out why she never came around if she was pregnant with my baby. I didn’t get to name him see her belly grow. But now that he’s here so I told her my life was a wreck but I would like to make a go at this together. She confessed she was living with her mom and life needed mended as well. I asked her to move in with me. She told me she would she also told me she developed a life threatening illness during her pregnancy and this required her to go to Jackson every day for blood work. Now I feel really bad I wasn’t there for her. I’ve heard woman can develop diabetes during pregnancy. It must have been hard on her. I went down to Morenci and picked them up and brought them home. First thing the next day I drove her to a house on Lansing Ave in Jackson. A line of people going into the house at eight in the morning. I’m a poor person it wasn’t hard to identify these people are poor zombies. After about a week I called Chrissy out. This is not a hospital where am I bringing you? “It’s a methadone clinic.” She told me. What’s methadone? She told me she was taking oxy cotton during her pregnancy and she got put on methadone so she could stop. Now she’s addicted to the methadone and can’t stop taking it or she might die. There were days I couldn’t take her to the clinic child protective service would take her. Or she would have one of four different men take her. Friends that care more about her she told me. Well I don’t want any part of this. Gavin is mine let’s have a joint custody. I took Chrissy back to her moms and Gavin stayed with me. I kept him for a week straight. I took him back to Chrissies to drop him off to be with her for a week. She’s nodding out can’t stay awake house is a wreck cigarette burns in the carpet, tobacco all over the floor. I can’t leave him here. Look at her what’s wrong? It’s my medicine she told me. It’s not medicine I told her “It’s dope”. She lay on my couch sometimes I checked to see if she was still breathing. We have to get you off this stuff. “I’ll die” she told me. When it was my week to watch Gavin I took her home. She would drive by on her way to the clinic have one of these other guys that cared about her taking her up there. After about two months of that I called Courtney Villarreal from child protective services. I’m taking care of this baby I need some help. We have to leave the baby in Chrissies name to pay for her medicine. And I’m still paying child support. Please Get them to quit taking my unemployment I asked. You have to do that. I told Courtney you guys have this woman a wreck on this methadone. She told me that Christina had a court date next week and she thought I should be there. I took Christina there and before the hearing they gave me a piece of paper with all the allegations against her. Gavin tested positive for a drug that’s in heroin when he was born was at the top of the list. There were 28 allegations against her. Failing drug test from the methadone clinic. I felt like I had been kicked right in the balls. I went to my church and sat with our pastoral coordinator Jean Schaub. I would have never messed with this woman had I known she was a heroin addict.herion.html They took Gavin from his mom that day and gave him to me. They still kept his Medicaid in her name to pay for her medicine. In fact they were giving her gas money to drive to Jackson to pick it up 28.60 dollars a day. She never gave me anything for taking her. Wonder what she gave those other guys? They started making me bring Gavin to the department of human services for visits. They would use it to hold sobriety over her head. If she couldn’t pass a test she didn’t show up and Kathy Onsted told me I would have to reschedule. Christina is showing up to visits and she has obvious signs of using intravenous drugs on her. I can’t see why this has to continue. I told Courtney Villarreal. She assured me relapse was part of recovery and it was alright for Chrissie to do heroin as long as she didn’t have the baby. She suggested to me that I needed substance abuse counseling so I could better understand Christina addictions. Are case worker was changed to Erica Hogget. Erica was not so sympathetic with Chrissie. Chrissie was not showing up for her substance abuse counselors and she was still failing the drug test they were giving her at the visits. Now they put Gavin’s Medicaid in my name. I get something of chrissys in the mail Medicaid related. It’s a copy of what they have been paying her for gas money to get to the clinic $28.60 a day six days a week. I showed that to my case worker she suggest to me to go down stairs and ask them what this 28.60 was for because I thought there was some welfare fraud going on. They assured me it was ok this was a charge to have a nurse check on the baby every day. I got mad I told them I knew what this was for I have the baby, that I couldn’t believe you grown professional people could lie to me like that. I asked for Gavin’s birthing records I want to see what’s happened to this baby. I was denied that. Things don’t add up. They put her on methadone January 22 Gavin was born April 19. She was six months pregnant and doing heroin? So you put her on this and she still testing dirty still using? So why give her methadone? Couldn’t even trust her with a week’s supply that’s why she had to go every day. So I was more apt to become a grandpa than a dad but I stepped up. It was about two days after I questioned DHS when they took my dog. Right now in the news our criminal system is painted as racism. Everyone knows it’s no secret if you have a expensive lawyer you’re better off in our Justice system. Do we have any poor people working in the system? Our system beats and eats poor people.poor-people-for-breakfast.html What’s happened to me was not justice it’s just us against them. Rich people against poor people. How do we fight? We WRITE! I can’t help but feel like I’ve been bullied into homeless. Bullied by sheriffs Jack Welch, prosecutor castle bury, judge Laura shadier Child protective services and dhs.
Gavin’s on the cover of “will write for food”. Sparky wags are on the cover of “what colors humanity”. Were looking for about four good people who want to help us. Share this ok-ok.html
I have procrastinated doing this. Trying to work my way out. Penelope was an angel. I told her I’m afraid they’ll take my dog or my baby. “Look at what you write this is your purpose for everything you have to do this for the poor people”. Chrissie says the stuff I write is stupid.
There’s still a bunch coming. Gavin wants to go to McDonalds. We’ll be back.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
I worked as a roofer to support my radio job.
I’d like to believe I had thousands of listeners. With mix 102.5s broadcast capability maybe tens of thousands of listeners. The radio job didn’t pay enough to count on it. So I roofed houses after work. I’d joke on air sign off saying “I have to go to work now to support my radio habit”. I drove an old dodge truck with a slant six. Used my shoe lace one time to make a linkage for a throttle cable fix other times it sat next to the road as I scurried into the automated radio station Whitney Houston singing the national anthem fired at 6 a.m after that would be dead air without live personality taking over.Whitney would be singing as I entered the building. I would Start my show saying “I had to run two consecutive four minute miles to get here this morning”. Shaking my mouse with one hand and bringing up the weather with the other. Looking at the phone lines lit up where’s my music log. First block of music that I ran every morning I called “the boss is still in bed block” we were best hits best variety this block was for the third shifters. Smashing pumpkins were the easiest for me to find. I had my pumpkins in the stations computer. I’d joke with my friends if you ever hear the station playing consistent Smashing Pumpkins music I’ve quit and I’m on my way home. It was an automated station and I was it. Program director, mourning show host, fights with the sales people about talent fees when I could be on a roof on Saturday making money. Yep some Pumpkins and go home.. I wrote this poem at the radio station… called “Job related stress” I mixed it with smashing pumpkins in the arms of sleep. I spent 17 hours making the 29 second piece. Writing it may have taken weeks.
(Video comming)

(I added a link to the video)
Job related stress
I sometimes wish that I were in a battle.
With loud banging gunfire around me.
Fighting with all my heart for some purpose
To expose and save my life.
Explosions echoing,
Through trees and over hills.
Wanting to attack the action,
Seems to be in the next gorge.
Ravishing through thick brush and then
Bellies down sliding down the gorge.
To find empty shells.
And again echoing gunfire from over the hills.
Only louder this time.
My heart pounds to the consistent banging,
Bang, bang, bang!
Sitting up in pure sweat clutching the alarm
Clock in both hands.
No use for the snooze button today.
Its back to the battle.
Bob Jenkens

(I added a link to the video)
Job related stress
I sometimes wish that I were in a battle.
With loud banging gunfire around me.
Fighting with all my heart for some purpose
To expose and save my life.
Explosions echoing,
Through trees and over hills.
Wanting to attack the action,
Seems to be in the next gorge.
Ravishing through thick brush and then
Bellies down sliding down the gorge.
To find empty shells.
And again echoing gunfire from over the hills.
Only louder this time.
My heart pounds to the consistent banging,
Bang, bang, bang!
Sitting up in pure sweat clutching the alarm
Clock in both hands.
No use for the snooze button today.
Its back to the battle.
Bob Jenkens
Monday, June 8, 2015
y so sad? revised
Answer me
why do i feel so sad?
Because I lost something?
I never really had.
or because I was reminded
of what I had
Let go!
Or because I found that...
That what I had...
I lost...
Who knows?
Bob Jenkens
I write in a 75 cent compisition book.. its neat to see s poem blossom.... inspired by life..
why do i feel so sad?
Because I lost something?
I never really had.
or because I was reminded
of what I had
Let go!
Or because I found that...
That what I had...
I lost...
Who knows?
Bob Jenkens
I write in a 75 cent compisition book.. its neat to see s poem blossom.... inspired by life..
Sunday, June 7, 2015
"rain never stops" video bob jenkens
Bob Jenkens
My words and
cause flow
Across the
Like an
A tsunami
Of truth.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
cement in Dewitt/with pictures and a poem
Get my work out in today.
If I could work my brain
like my body?
Id get a brain tan :-)
Concrete at 10,
Lets go lets go
If I could work my brain
like my body?
Id get a brain tan :-)
Concrete at 10,
Lets go lets go
Why doesn't my brain just fix my life?
like my body does when I get cut or a cold.
why dosn't my brain fix everything?
It would if it were a physical act it could tell my body to do.
Although it seems more of an act of breaks and sticks
Which I always get the short end of.
Bob Jenkens
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