On July 10th I shared looking-for-hope-have-you-seen-her.html Monday July 17 my child and I will be homeless. Given 10 days to move by the courts we've been trying to sell things. Yesterday I sold my riding lawn mower for two hundred dollars. This guy Kota Claudy was there looking at my s-10.
He had bought the truck for four hundred dollars and ready to drive it away and it stalled. We couldn't get it started back up. I handed him his money back. They left and I continued loading up our belongings to go to storage. On the way to the storage unit I stopped to get gas and I realized I had given Kota his four hundred dollars back but I had mistakenly given him my 200 dollars from the sale of my lawn mower.that-sucks.html I told Christina Benton (my girlfriend) to hurry and contact him on face book (that's how he found the truck). he had blocked her already. I had the bill of sale I had drawn up and it had his name and I'm not blocked. Of course he says he I didn't mistakenly give him my money. That's his girl friend in the corner.
I try I really do. I roof houses by myself to stay alive and I'm afraid of heights.
Christina said to me last night were poor but were better than these two. "If you or I seen someone drop money we would tell them". Your write babe I just feell like I can't take any more. I thought it was rich people that ate poor people poor-people-for-breakfast.html