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Saturday, July 15, 2017

insult to injury..... where is hope?

On July 10th I shared looking-for-hope-have-you-seen-her.html Monday July 17 my child and I will be homeless. Given 10 days to move by the courts we've been trying to sell things. Yesterday I sold my riding lawn mower for two hundred dollars. This guy Kota Claudy was there looking at my s-10.
He had bought the truck for four hundred dollars and ready to drive it away and it stalled. We couldn't get it started back up. I handed him his money back. They left and I continued loading up our belongings to go to storage. On the way to the storage unit I stopped to get gas and I realized I had given Kota his four hundred dollars back but I had mistakenly given him my 200 dollars from the sale of my lawn mower.that-sucks.html I told Christina Benton (my girlfriend) to hurry and contact him on face book (that's how he found the truck). he had blocked her already. I had the bill of sale I had drawn up and it had his name and I'm not blocked. Of course he says he I didn't mistakenly give him my money.  That's his girl friend in the corner. 
I try I really do. I roof houses by myself to stay alive and I'm afraid of heights.
Christina said to me last night were poor but were better than these two. "If you or I seen someone drop money we would tell them". Your write babe I just feell like I can't take any more.  I thought it was rich people that ate poor people poor-people-for-breakfast.html 

Monday We're moving my camper to a camp ground. beats the homeless shelter. I'm goint to work myself out of this hole! I'm probably the only person in the world that prays.html to roof a house by myself. Shouldn't be wasting my time writing this piece I have a roof to be on now. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

looking for hope have you seen her? Judge Sara Lisznyai makes it seem hopeless!

So Monday me and Gavin are homeless again. I was bullied homeless by professionals at the department of Human services in 2013. Bullied homeless by department of human services, children's protective services and Lennawee county district judge Laurs Shadler   I know I have a week to make something happen or I'm on the streets. Again it's the courts taking our home. The Eucharist means "to give Thanks", At Mass we give thanks and praise to God for his many gifts and Blessings.
When we receive the Eucharist, we are changed into what we eat- Jesus Christ. "It is Christ in you for hope for glory>I've lost my hope! But all my thanks to my homelessness has to go to our judicial system that eats poor people no matter what color they are.  the-american-judicial-system-eats poor people!
 Hillsdale District judge Sara Lisznyia and the other clerks have to be proud of themselves. Even under oath my slumlord got caught lying. At least your honor when I asked my landlord did I tell you the furnace wasn't heating the house Connie Smith testified "no". But your honor in your discovery you ruled you did find I had told her about not having heat in the house all winter.
in fact you gave me credit for two hundred dollars a month for three winter months.slum-lord-you-know-who-you-are-working.html At the beginning of our hearing Connie was saying I owed her over 1400 dollars. It was a June 15 hearing and shes trying to collect July's rent. Judge said you can't do that. By the time were done the Judge got the actual figure that I really owed. Only thing is that 600 dollars she credited me with went to pay off  money The slum lord lied about. What's the point in taking or giving an oath Your Honor? debriefed-at-pearly-gates your-in-heaven.html..

I'm exercising my write your honor. Freedom of speech. You told me June 15 if I paid 600 dollars to my slumlord Connie smith and paid you two hundred dollars for court cost we could stay. I paid the eight hundred dollars and as soon as I did was served with more papers. This time you gave me 10 days to be out of my house your honor. Really? I lived in this house just over a year after being homeless for two years. I don't know what I'm going to do..... crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html Well Sara I hope your proud of your system when you run out of poor people eat your words.  At the Eucharist may the blood of Christ burn your lips Your Honor!

  Thanks be to God



Wednesday, July 5, 2017


 I have no doubt in my mind
Some day I will effect the lives of many people
in a positive way.
That some day......
My Life will open up and flourish!
That's why I survive.

Bob Jenkens
I wrote this piece In Michigan State Penitentiary 1987 "WHY".....
Why would a 19 year old kid starting a 5-10 year prison bit write this?
I was enrolled in the Specs Howard school of broadcast arts before I was released.
I've worked as a morning show host, Program director, News director and production engineer.
I've had productions featured at the
