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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Frozen nose hair sucks!

Christina got home from her shift at the Moscow General store.  Not-the_Soviet-Union.html  She said it was so cold out her nose hair was frozen. I wasn't aware she had nose hair. I'm sure she won't be happy I'm wondering....

But realistically Iv'e given nose hair a lot of consideration recently. Do you always  have nose hair?
I don't remember ever picking my nose when I was a kid and extracting a hair. I remember my dad could grow nose hair long enough to comb. /what-color-are-you-does-it-matter.html
  I remember having this conversation with my Daughter Zoe. Do woman have nose hair?
I'm going to investigate closely. I can tell you what I know. When you grow old your nose hair turns gray. If they get long enough to almost comb you'll find them froze on days like today....

   I Love you Babe!
Bob Jenkens


Thursday, December 14, 2017

I face sexual harassment from my employer.

I can carry two bundles of shingles to the roof top at the same time.
on a bet, a dare or to impress a pretty girl. Chrissy and I were working at
beautiful Clark lake this summer. I asked my boss to film me while I carried shingles.
Two 80 pound bundles at the same time.  Chrissy was painting I should have asked her to shoot the
video. It would be so much better with her talking me through it. Instead of Ben being gay. 


Chrissy hard at work with her daisy dukes on.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Translate to Russian

Let's believe
for one minute
our parties are the same
the Biblical books
we proclaim
are relevant and necessary
Just like literature
for hope and truth
Lies will always be expelled
without reasonable doubt

There's always a good guy
and always a bad guy
good guys don't fight
each other
  I'm neutral
I have no conflict
But I wonder what the truth is
I have no faith in our media
little in our Government
whos-on-first-whats-on-second-where-is safe?l
I have no conflict
How do you see it?

 The good guys aren't cutting peoples heads off
bombing cities
forcing  people to flee their homes
to become refugees

how do you see it?
   I see my blog all around the world
I don't wonder about me
I wonder about you...
Where do we meet?


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

rock paper scissors (Mitch McConnell)

how's this game work?
I've never played it
one finger two finger fist?
scissors cut paper
is that two fingers to one?
and if it's two fingers to fist
then rock bends scissors?
I don't know it's not my game
But Mitch Mconnell
the game you play you deserve two fingers and a fist.debriefed-at-pearly-gates? your-in-heaven.html
The first two fingers ain't flying a peace sign
and the fist isn't to your non existent chin.
In fact the fist in your ass
Might pop out your chin
Rock Paper Scissors!  Paper Doll Blood

  The internet is not paper
 so where is the pencil lead?
where have our leaders followed
or understood the working class.

minimum wage people should be tax free
their struggling to be barely existing
at the very least they should be given gas creditspoor-people-for-breakfast.html

I don't know I'm just a dumb roofer
but if paper can cut flesh
why can't the internet stop Mitch McConnell? Paper doll blood @ my ink .com