confession (is poor catholic an oxymoron?)
John Schaub who was married to Jean (Pastoral coordinator) had a part in the play as well, so he drove us down. When we arrived, we found the church packed.
Turns up its Pentecostal Saturday.
I hadn't given it much consideration, trying not to sweat I have to do this in a packed church.
I had been telling myself it's on a Saturday there will probably only be a hand full of parishioners.
We started mass with a prayer then eight of us who were in the play took our places at different podiums in the church. There were Fathers and Deacons in the front row.
Afterward I took my seat and was ready for communion. Then the fathers and Deacons stood up and took the Alter. They took stations for confession.... I didn't even see this coming. (Am I a Poor Catholic? Http:// ).
Now I'm sweating what am I going to confess? I picked a Father I didn't recognize. I told him "Father I confess I don't feel I'm doing what God wants me to do". I work as a roofer because I failed at another attempt at my radio career.
I told him I use to work in radio. That I've organized and conducted food drives that filled rental trucks with food for the local food pantries. Worked fund raisers for schools.
I confessed to the Father I use to feel so important and now I'm just Hiding on a roof.
"I'm not doing what God wants me to do." The Father was quick to look to the podium I had just stood at. Nod his head toward it and ask me "why did you get up there and do that?" I quickly responded, "I was asked to". He told me there you go. "If God wanted you on the radio, you would be on the radio"! He told me I was good at the part I had taken in the play. He had also noticed how everyone was paying absolute attention to me as I spoke. He told me I should be an actor or something. He Also told me to do what God asks me to do. It was only weeks later I got a call from children Protective Service and then within days I had my own new baby. I told Jean Shaub Pastoral coordinator "I'm supposed to be a grandpa not a dad" she replied.
" Your who God Needs you to be" And I reflected back to Pentecostal Saturday when the Father told me to do what God asks me to do. I'm trying!