Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Russians are coming the Russians are coming

I wrote this poem inspired by our 2016 Presidential election. At the end of the poem I say something about bringing out the Martians so we all can, see? With these Balloons being flying around and speculation I feel like I need to share it again. 

The Russians are coming... The Russians are coming!

 what did the early revolution know?
about the internet?
What do you know Paul Revere?
one if by land
two if by sea
3 if by internet
Impeding democracy
The Russians are coming.
The Russians are coming.
And sling out #Donald Trump
For everyone to see.
The Russians are coming.
   the Russians are coming.
So, are the Mexicans and Chinese?

One if by land two if by sea
three at the hands of democracy
bring on the Martians.
for us all to see
It's not the internet. 
but the end of Humanity

Bob Jenkens

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