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Sunday, February 23, 2025

is Ukraine the new Middle East?

Is The Ukraine the new Middle East?
My insight on the war in Ukraine
during my walk today, I wondered.
If a bear shits in the woods and  
No one is around to hear 
does it make a sound?
What kind of question is that?
Is The Ukraine the new Middle East? 
What's the difference if there's nobody listening?

Where is Humanity?
There is a crisis happening Innocent people are in the middle of it 

       "if it bleeds it leads"

Is The Ukraine the new Middle East?
 Two year's ago today debriefed at the pearly gates I took the puppies for a walk in the woods.

Russia was bombarding Ukraine with air strikes commencing with no particular targets, right on the news. I commend the citizens of Ukraine and their military on the resistance and fight against the invasion and attack on the democracy of their country.
I asked myself why Isn't the whole world condemning Russia's aggregation? Do we have to wait until a ethnicity is robbed, brutalized and murdered? I'm watching it in plain view on the news and tv crews what is the truth?

I'm just a dumb roofer but I'm sure there's some roofers in The Ukraine whose lives' have been shattered and they don't know why any more than I do.  where is the rest of Humanity?  what do I know I'm just a dumb roofer that writes stupid poems.
Bob jenkens 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

will write for food

will write for food work video My face isn't carved in a mountain I've never been struck by lightning I've never saved a crying baby from a burning house fire nor have I overcome my misfortunes in life to acquire a name for myself. 
I consider myself a writer although all that I've written is broken pieces of torn limbs of my distraught existence. 

Bob jenkens 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

two faces

Two faces inside of my eyes 
One who fights and one that cries 
I that fights tries to be strong, 
Telling my tears it won't be long 
I that cries is hidden inside shivering cold 
and wanting to die
I've hidden in shadows and counted my tears 
Looking through windows that are more like mirrors 

Bob Jenkens "89"

Friday, February 14, 2025

it puzzles me

So look at that 10 thousand pieces 
It's a puzzle, all in pieces 
I can't tell you what it is 
Please read me to the end
Every poem is my life 
It's a puzzle kinda like short hand
It puzzles me where I fit in 
Help me with this puzzle please 
Start at the end or take the outside edge 
Please help me before I'm the last missing piece 

Peace be with you 
Bob Jenkens 

Friday, February 7, 2025

ADHD doesn't spell anything

I have something Called c.o.d, no wait that's cash on delivery I mean COPD Sometimes it's hard to breathe With all this anxiety. 
Did I say COPD? I meant ADHD Whatever that means in chemistry I don't think write But this piece of paper sure feels good to me. 

Bob jenkens 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

what kind of alarm

I tried to get mad today 
Idk, all I can do is laugh shrug my shoulders 
and say "oh well " 
It's alarming to me 
Have I given up and don't care anymore?
Maybe tomorrow I'll hear a bell  the under dog
Catch my second wind for the third time 
Go all in,  A gladiator fightdon't stay down
A rational civil dispute 
We don't have to have a physical altercation 
I'm write and your wrong 
Face the facts don't be mad
Let me spell it out for you 
"Truth and Justice"
I request a judicial review Jesus would be rolling in his grave

Bob jenkens