Thursday, August 3, 2017

The under dog

I named my blog "The Write Way" because it seems like it's what I'm supposed to do "write".
I don't claim to be a super hero but I know right from wrong. If I were a real super hero I'd probably be "Under dog" . Leap out and point out injustice. I've always routed for the under dog. I like to see people with odds against them prevail. I guess I am the under dog.crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html. The most amazing story might be the one where the under dog is knocked down over and over. Maybe 30 seconds into round one he's laid against the ropes and beat but somehow stays on his feet till the bell rings. In round two he takes a standing eight count with his blood flowing from his nose. Then in round nine your telling him "just stay down". Then somehow with 30 seconds to go in the twelfth and final round the Under dog delivers a blow that sends the champion down. dont-stay-down.html "Here I am to save the day" that's what Under dog said. and me too. "The Write Way".
With truth and Justice........the-last-supper-bye-bob-jenkens.html

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