Friday, March 25, 2016

city council terrorism

in the wake of the terror attacks in Brussels I heard Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz say he thinks local police, sheriffs and local bodies of Government should team up to protect communities.

Really? Has he not heard what city council did to the water in Flint? Poisoning thousands of residents for years. I  wish everyone would look real close at some things I've previously written. Look at the dates this piece for example March 30 2014 I wrote this "the question now isn't who's  on first or whats on second The question now is where is safe?"

  Has our Presidential candidate (Ted Cruz) watched the news? Police are shooting people not accidently maybe because of tensions? Fear? whats the answer? Is it secluded? Is it all due to Lack of communication? separation of church and state ends somewhere but our states laws hide fraudulently behind the morals of the common well being of every individual. Our local Government bodies are already failing us. would you feel safe knowing the same people that poisoned your water were also your security blanket?  Who's on first? What's on second? where is safe?

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