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Friday, September 30, 2016

put your fist up....Lets fight!

I don't like to fight but I won't run from a fight. To quick to often I'll fight for whats right.
my knuckles will go up as soon as a threat is felt. I will go on the offensive to defend myself if a threat is yelled from across the street. I could never shoot anyone! I'm sure I couldn't be capable of taking a sharp blade and pushing it deep into someone costing them their life. In fact in a fight when blood starts flowing
we need to consider what were fighting for?
/dont-stay-down.html I've stopped fighting just to catch my breath
I've caught my breath
and never realized
life's to short
to just agree
sometimes we have to fight
to make others see

Different people will remember me differently
some of them i won't remember
or I'll remember them differently
if we see each other differentely
we probably didn't see things eye to eye

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