Monday, December 26, 2016

debriefed at the Pearly gates..... You're in Heaven now?

My inspiration for this title:
  Prior to the 2016 Presidential election I was watching the news on tv and it was reported that Donald Trump was at a debriefing. A debriefing I thought to myself? Why would they need to debrief him? Think about it.... Maybe Aliens are real? right? When Mr Trump tweets a picture of real Alien at area 51 It would be like war of the worlds 2016.  Only Global! Imagine the craziest movie plots could be secret reality's./christopher-columbus-thought-world-was.html.
 Really! It's not good being debriefed is it? Maybe There really is no hunger or war in Syria Mr President. It's a front to wash millions of dollars taken from the pockets of working people.
Or more likely. Mr President Our judicial system is no where near fair and just!/the-american-judicial-system.html . Our prosecutors pray on poor people. They use police to gather and write police reports to incriminate poor people that can't afford legal representation. They get court appointed Attorneys that try to get a fast conviction and puts dollars back into the judicial system./who-writes-police-reports-4222015.html .

  I'm just trying to write a piece about these people in our Judicial System who go to church. County clerks, commissioners, prosecutors, sheriff Jack Welch, attorneys stenographers.The court buildings are full of people who know the honest truth. eating poor people.    
Some day the people of the judicial system will stand in front of their creator and be judged.
on the way they misrepresented reality./city-council-should-face-terrorism.html

Maybe your family is in the judicial system at the pearly gates you get debriefed?  Your Dad Rick Castleberry is not here! He went to Hell for being such a good prosecutor. and Your aunt? Judge Laura Shadler she's in hell too. for taking peoples homes and freedom so she could live high on the hog. "It's just my job" They say . You know the truth. But you remain on that bench and swear under oath "in God we trust" even still your position gets you immunity? Not at the Pearly Gates of Heaven.
  Unless of course Donald Trump tweets "There is no God or pearly gates"
"I'll swear on the Bible I've been debriefed".

Bob Jenkens


Debriefed at the pearly gates

You've lived by the book anticipating Eternal life.
confessed your sins and accepted Jesus Christ
Walked a straight path
but lied and cheated people
"It's my Job" doesn't count
Your going straight to hell
do not pass go
do not collect 200.00
you got paid by the hour
You sold your soul
To the devil

(Just like those nurses
from Allegiance health
that murdered my dad).

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