Thursday, August 10, 2017

Cowboys and Indians before health insurance

In the Great days of America Our fore Fathers set out for us to have freedom in the rights of Liberty and Justice. Put yourself there just 200 years ago..... What did we know? Global warming... Nuclear threats... Terrorism .... Transgender? The Law? There was no law, no order they still owned and sold people. Like they didn't know write from wrong. But they wrote our constitution? When they made our leap for Justice they missed the bus. But can't admit it today.slight-of-hand-or-Muslim-band.html Instead they try and distract our minds with health care. Look at things realistically if you have money and can afford legal representation in our Judicial system you'll do much better than the guy with court appointed attorneys. I haven't heard it proposed but that's probably how our health insurance will go. Good coverage for those who can afford attorneys and Erick Kaiser/John T. Glazier for the poor.
 Think about it 200 years ago....Edgar Allen Poe? Rumors say he was found dressed in woman's clothing mumbling before he died... If I'm ever found in woman's clothing I've been set up. Mumbling or not.You've stolen my dreams you cast me in Hell

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