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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Scott Clow

I learned a lot from Scott Clow. He wasn’t my dad he was my wood  shop teacher my freshman year at Columbia Central  1980. Scott Clow taught me things I use to this day. When we designed our bread box and coffee table he told us make it durable some of you will never have anything at least you’ll have a bread box and a coffee table. Of course I still have mine but Mr Scott Clow taught me things even more valuable.  Never  take un necessary risk . When you lift use your legs not your back. You can help yourself up from a kneeling position. 1 by placing your hands on your knee and use your arms to push and help stand relieving your back. 2 when taking a knee and going to stand use your hammer to help you get straight up. Never pound the head of two hammers together. Thank you Scott Clow! My old body is still holding out well with some tricks of the trade.
RIP Mr Clow


I know bullied
will write for food

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