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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Earth quakes volcanic eruptions

God bless Nepal! Us all!

Take heed in the warning From the sea and the skies
the rocks and the tides
The day approaches
when man is defenseless
and forced to Cowell and hide
To only be destroyed
cast into tar pits and buried alive
some of us will rot on the ground
no one left to bury the dead
just like in the stories we've read

I wonder what the dinosaurs wrote?
With their little arms.

bob Jenkens

I write in a 75 cent composition book. There might be a bunch of poems and then an estimate for a roof job. I wrote this piece along time ago. I tried posting it before but its hard on my phone.. then we have a earth quake in Michigan and I feel inspired to share this.  I'm at stakes eatery on my lunch break posting it now. Scratched on and scribbled on like I know the difference between write and wrong.

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