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Friday, May 5, 2017

The magic composition book

I write in these 99 cent composition books. I bet I have a pile three feet high. When you turn the pages you see page after page of poems. The ink changes color from sentence to sentence or   sometimes a verse is in pencil because it's compiled from what I see as I continue day to day.  Even though it has spelling errors and poor punctuation one must admire how hard I continue to work. Especially when you come across the pages I've used to bid a roof job.  That's what I do for money to live. I roof houses.  Stuck between some politically motivated poem is a plea to the world to slow down for a minute...... Step back and breath.... Before it's too late... for all Humanity!

Humanity (must read)
Holy water h2o-water.html
why (Is it my place?)

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