Monday, August 21, 2017

Clark lake elementary school (IDK the significance yet)

I went to Elementary school at Clark lake Elementary in Jackson Michigan
Columbia central school district Columbia apology . It was a k-6 elementary school with the average class around 30 students. It was about four miles from my house but I remember riding my bicycle to school with Mark Harbaugh and then riding bikes home after school. Parents today would go to jail letting their 10 year old kid set off on a four mile bike ride at six o'clock in the morning.
 I don't think kids today are any more or less responsible than we were in 1977 but I do think kids today have more challenging hurdles in their way of life. To be or not to be? Isn't the question any more.  whos-on-first-whats-on-second-where-is.html
  To be who? To be what? To be Free? It's the American dream!
 I can be anything I want to be. An astronaut or a geologist or even President of the United States!
We have choices to make. They start before we realize in life is that fair?crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html
  I can't help but constantly remember the choices I made in the third grade. I'm not sure this happened  I dream-pt it or its a premonition.
For some reason I  had been taken from Mrs Williams class which was off north lake road into Mrs Powers class room which faced North Lake road. At that time I was given some serious choices.
Do you want to live healthy and die poor? Or do you want to live un healthy and live wealthy?
Do you want to loose your hearing or loose your sight? Why do I have to choose? Pro-life.html
  I chose being healthy and living poor. I chose losing my hearing over my sight. At my age they both seem to dissipate. I don't remember what I choose but I sure fit the description of healthy and poor.

I've never eaten or ate a poor person
but I sure know what it taste like!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Day will turn into night (The world can change)

At work Friday  I was cutting boards to install windows in the barn Ben and I have been building. Ben wasn't there yet and I had a thought in my mind, I wrote it down on a piece of 2x6 about 36 inches long..... it's about the eclipse of the sun...... the poem is subject to change.
What if during the eclipse everything changed?   earth-quakes-volcanic-eruptions.html
 What if we were magnetically tilted just one degree? and nothing worked anymore?
I'm sure the eclipse will not change a thing...... but what if it could change Humanity?

2x6 about 36 inches long

I hope that on Monday
when the moon moves
between the Earth and Sun
People can stop "       "
and become one!
"Humanity" humanity.html

Watch the eclipse in real time

 The World can change.... That means the people. Not the day not the night..

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Missing in action.

When I die
I'm gonna die like an old dog
Just go out in the woods and
Hope no one misses me...
Put me on a milk carton
So everyone can see
I was write hear but
You couldn't notice me
To poor to see
To quite to hear...
I'm just an old dog that
don't know any tricks
don't chase a stick
or a frizbe
I didn't just lie here (and grow old)
but I'm able to see
this world fucking sucks
without people like me.


It happens all the time. A guy goes to get milk and eggs...... And never be seen again.     were-all-dieing.html?m=1

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Not the Soviet Union

The radio station was automated. My four-hour morning show was the only show not prerecorded or pulled in by satellite. It was WMXE 102.5 in Adrian Michigan. The stations format was best hits best variety.  At 5:58 am daily the network would fire our last spot before my show. I-worked-as-roofer-to-support-my-radio.html  It was Whitney Houston singing the National Anthem. After Whitney finished singing the station would go to dead air or my morning show would begin with the boss is still in bed block. Road conditions, weather, sports and news are required by a morning show host to convey to the listeners. In our weather we would mention three villages or towns and cities in the opening. Moscow is village on U.S 12 west of Michigan speedway in Brooklyn.
 In throwing Moscow into my weather, I'd say, "let's take a look at your mix 102.5 weather center forecast for the cities including (but not limited to) Brooklyn Somerset and Moscow" and then I would add "not the Soviet Union. I thought I was funny and who could be offended?
Well, I received a call from a woman one morning she told me she was from Russia. She gave me a history lesson on the phone told me Russia wasn't the Soviet Union anymore and I sounded stupid every time I said it. I told her I didn't know, and I was sorry if I offended her. She assured me she wasn't offended she just wanted me to know I sounded stupid. I continued selling my weather to "Brooklyn Somerset and Moscow not the Soviet Union" Hey people in Russia need to know the weather too. I had fun on the radio stupid-is-as-stupid-does.html even if I'm not Politically correct I try. I don't try and pretend I'm smart...teacher-pooped-my-bubble.html  My girlfriend Christina says "your stupid" to me all the time. I don't get mad. I'll find my purpose in life even if I have to invent something or write a book.The-jerk-do-you-remember-you-mean-im.html

the-Russians-are-coming-the Russians-are coming.html

Monday, August 14, 2017

It sure was a short summer Charlie Brown!

Before summer is really up look closely at the trees.
Specifically at their leaves

Attached to a new green shoot
this summers growth..... 
and then ponder this poem I wrote.

Winters Here

It’s the hard winter 
that turns  
The new green shoots of the maple tree brown.    
Long winters and hot summers
         is experience.

  That makes the tree wise enough?
To see the winds of spring approach.
But is still the joy to stand tall.
Even after the high winds
Much deserved
Fall is time to rest for…
Winters here.

"What Colors Humanity"

It's the title my daughter and I chose for a kindle direct book we were publishing together at the library. On the cover we put a picture of our dog Mr Sparky Waggs.(I love this dude)
 As my editor we also put Zoe name on the cover.i-know-what-miricle-looks-like.html
I have a hard time writing a story. You can't imagine the story I'm living in writing these poems we've placed in this book. As I'm beat up on by judges and court appointed attorneys I write poems.
Someone needs to set me down and go page by page with me.911 what's your emergency?

 Poor people for breakfast

I’ve never eaten or ate a poor person.
But I know I hate them anyway.
I hate them on a rotisserie,
Turned until their blood and juice are dripping with Justice
From our judicial system.
I hate to see them in line counting dimes
To buy some gas and make it to work on time.
I hate not to have five bucks to throw their way.
With nothing to say.
I’ve never eaten or ate a poor person
But I sure know what it tastes like.
Eaten or ate, alive or dead, whatever proper English is.
I’m just a poor person and I hate it!
                                                                     Bob Jenkens

It don't pay to be homeless.... Less than minimum wage.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Living in Moscow now

I was awakened this morning by my dads voice. "Scott" I heard him say. Not Like he was calling me to wake me up but like something was falling or there was some eminent danger he was alerting me to. It causes me so much anxiety ......supercalifredulious.html  I have things on what I call my bucket list things I feel obligated to write about before I die. the-bucket-list.html  When my dad died in January I was there with him... "I'm so sorry"  I told him.til-death-do-us-part.html  I don't know what I'm gonna do dad. Home less again that's what I am. It's embarrassing to say. I bet when Shelby Poe sold me this 25 foot coachman trailer he never thought I would be forced to move it into the Moscow campground and live in it. That's embarrassing to say. Remember The Rockford files? Jim Rockford worked as a private investigator and he lived in a camper.....on beach front property. No one could turn a Fire bird around better than Jim Rockford. I'm not lazy. I work as a builder/roofer I have to admit I need to turn my life around 180 degrees. Dad woke me up this morning and Gavin is up now.
"Scott" dad said to me..... I don't know dad what I'm going to do.. But write now Gavin and I are going to make an omelet larry-clarks-famous-hot-dog-omelet.html

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Cowboys and Indians before health insurance

In the Great days of America Our fore Fathers set out for us to have freedom in the rights of Liberty and Justice. Put yourself there just 200 years ago..... What did we know? Global warming... Nuclear threats... Terrorism .... Transgender? The Law? There was no law, no order they still owned and sold people. Like they didn't know write from wrong. But they wrote our constitution? When they made our leap for Justice they missed the bus. But can't admit it today.slight-of-hand-or-Muslim-band.html Instead they try and distract our minds with health care. Look at things realistically if you have money and can afford legal representation in our Judicial system you'll do much better than the guy with court appointed attorneys. I haven't heard it proposed but that's probably how our health insurance will go. Good coverage for those who can afford attorneys and Erick Kaiser/John T. Glazier for the poor.
 Think about it 200 years ago....Edgar Allen Poe? Rumors say he was found dressed in woman's clothing mumbling before he died... If I'm ever found in woman's clothing I've been set up. Mumbling or not.You've stolen my dreams you cast me in Hell

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The under dog

I named my blog "The Write Way" because it seems like it's what I'm supposed to do "write".
I don't claim to be a super hero but I know right from wrong. If I were a real super hero I'd probably be "Under dog" . Leap out and point out injustice. I've always routed for the under dog. I like to see people with odds against them prevail. I guess I am the under dog.crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html. The most amazing story might be the one where the under dog is knocked down over and over. Maybe 30 seconds into round one he's laid against the ropes and beat but somehow stays on his feet till the bell rings. In round two he takes a standing eight count with his blood flowing from his nose. Then in round nine your telling him "just stay down". Then somehow with 30 seconds to go in the twelfth and final round the Under dog delivers a blow that sends the champion down. dont-stay-down.html "Here I am to save the day" that's what Under dog said. and me too. "The Write Way".
With truth and Justice........the-last-supper-bye-bob-jenkens.html