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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Frozen nose hair sucks!

Christina got home from her shift at the Moscow General store.  Not-the_Soviet-Union.html  She said it was so cold out her nose hair was frozen. I wasn't aware she had nose hair. I'm sure she won't be happy I'm wondering....

But realistically Iv'e given nose hair a lot of consideration recently. Do you always  have nose hair?
I don't remember ever picking my nose when I was a kid and extracting a hair. I remember my dad could grow nose hair long enough to comb. /what-color-are-you-does-it-matter.html
  I remember having this conversation with my Daughter Zoe. Do woman have nose hair?
I'm going to investigate closely. I can tell you what I know. When you grow old your nose hair turns gray. If they get long enough to almost comb you'll find them froze on days like today....

   I Love you Babe!
Bob Jenkens


Thursday, December 14, 2017

I face sexual harassment from my employer.

I can carry two bundles of shingles to the roof top at the same time.
on a bet, a dare or to impress a pretty girl. Chrissy and I were working at
beautiful Clark lake this summer. I asked my boss to film me while I carried shingles.
Two 80 pound bundles at the same time.  Chrissy was painting I should have asked her to shoot the
video. It would be so much better with her talking me through it. Instead of Ben being gay. 


Chrissy hard at work with her daisy dukes on.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Translate to Russian

Let's believe
for one minute
our parties are the same
the Biblical books
we proclaim
are relevant and necessary
Just like literature
for hope and truth
Lies will always be expelled
without reasonable doubt

There's always a good guy
and always a bad guy
good guys don't fight
each other
  I'm neutral
I have no conflict
But I wonder what the truth is
I have no faith in our media
little in our Government
whos-on-first-whats-on-second-where-is safe?l
I have no conflict
How do you see it?

 The good guys aren't cutting peoples heads off
bombing cities
forcing  people to flee their homes
to become refugees

how do you see it?
   I see my blog all around the world
I don't wonder about me
I wonder about you...
Where do we meet?


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

rock paper scissors (Mitch McConnell)

how's this game work?
I've never played it
one finger two finger fist?
scissors cut paper
is that two fingers to one?
and if it's two fingers to fist
then rock bends scissors?
I don't know it's not my game
But Mitch Mconnell
the game you play you deserve two fingers and a fist.debriefed-at-pearly-gates? your-in-heaven.html
The first two fingers ain't flying a peace sign
and the fist isn't to your non existent chin.
In fact the fist in your ass
Might pop out your chin
Rock Paper Scissors!  Paper Doll Blood

  The internet is not paper
 so where is the pencil lead?
where have our leaders followed
or understood the working class.

minimum wage people should be tax free
their struggling to be barely existing
at the very least they should be given gas creditspoor-people-for-breakfast.html

I don't know I'm just a dumb roofer
but if paper can cut flesh
why can't the internet stop Mitch McConnell? Paper doll blood @ my ink .com

Thursday, November 23, 2017

You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant.... Except Alice!

When I did a morning radio show on mix 102.5 I had to buy my own copy of Alice's restaurant to play on the radio.(the station wouldn't buy me any music)  I worked on Thanksgiving just so I could play it. It's a movement sing it with me when it comes around here on the guitar..... You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant...
It's as Thanksgiving as Les-man from WKRP in Cincinnati reporting about their turkey give away.
Mr Carlson is throwing Turkey's from a helicopter. "The turkeys are hitting the ground like bags of wet cement".     

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Poor people for breakfast!

I've never eaten or ate a poor person
but I know I hate them anyway!
 I hate them on a rotisserie,
turned until their blood and juice are dripping with Justice
from our Judicial system
 I hate to see them in line counting dimes
to buy some gas and make it to work on time
I hate not to have five bucks to throw their way
with nothing to say
I've never eaten or ate a poor person
But I sure know what it taste like.
Eaten or ate, Alive or dead, Whatever proper English is
I'm just a poor person and I hate it.

Bob Jenkens
                                                        Welcome to the United States

I'm just a dumb roofer and I write dumb poems. Even still I see something wrong with this.
  We can't get an honest minimum wage requirement. Were taxed on our income and every thing we purchase. It seams to me this hurts more people than it could help. they can't make a healthcare
plan. but this will pass before they break for the holidays. Another scandal at capitol hill. Their raping the working....slight-of-hand-or-muslim-band.html
 I wrote "Welcome to the United States" on my way to work. I was working for L.H Smith construction in Tecumseh Michigan. I pulled safely to the side of the road and wrote it on a McDonald's bag. When I got to the job Larry asked me why I was late? He acted like he was gonna hit me with his hammer when I told him "I stopped to write a poem".

And why a 10 year plan?

Senate Republicans’ tax plan raises taxes on families earning less than $75,000

It’s a workers’ party now.

Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation (basically the Congressional Budget Office for tax policy) is out with a fresh distributional analysis of the Senate version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and the news is great if you happen to earn more than $500,000 or so per year.
For those of more modest means, however, the news is not so good. By 2027, after most of the individual cuts in the bill expire (and the corporate cuts remain), households earning between $75,000 and $100,000 will see, on average, no tax cut. And households earning less than $75,000 per year will see, on average, a tax increase.
Lily Batchelder, a tax professor at NYU who used to be the chief tax counsel for the Senate Finance Committee, has the chart:
 Coin star Christmas


Sunday, November 12, 2017

my birthday 11/18/1967

I thought I was fifty last year. But my girlfriend Christina pointed out to me that I was mistaken.
I wouldn't be fifty until next year. (thanks babe) Next year is here.....
This is the very first birthday I've done without my dad. I can't even remember what I ever got for my birthday. But my Dad was always there. I don't think that I ever asked for a lot.I don't know that life was fair to my dad. Or maybe it was me... I don't life goes......who's gonna sing me happy birthday?what-color-are-you-does-it-matter.html

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"Mulch" a parasite or life?

Why doesn't my brain just fix my life?
Like my body does when I get hurt
or a cold

Why doesn't my brain fix everything?
It would if it were a physical act it could tell my body to do.
Although it seems more of an act
of breaks and sticks which I always get the short end of.

Bob Jenkens

 I work hard every day. This week Gavin got sick first then me.
The both of us have been projectile vomiting for two days.
My whole body aches like I got hit by a truck. There's  a parasite that's invaded our bodies.
Gavin has missed school for two days and is almost over it.
 I missed work today but I can't afford to miss again tomorrow.
What gives a parasite the write to invade our life?
What gives life the write to take away our breaks sticks.....
our dreams?     



Saturday, October 21, 2017

Maybe I'll eat my words

I love to fish. It eases my mind. my-bucket-list.html (only when the fish are biting).
I love eating fish. I don't mind cleaning them but I feel bad for them. Watching me sharpen
my knife. Hopeless looking-for-hope-have-you-seen-her.html
I actually have to leave the fish in a bowl for a couple of days before I can eat them without considering how I ruined their little fish lives. A guy has to eat write?im-not-right-in-my-head-im-not-writein.html Today while I was fishing it got worse. The fish were biting good. I was using a small fly and then putting a small piece of night crawler on it. Just big enough for a fish to get in his mouth. As I'm tearing the worms in pieces I feel sympathetic to the worm. the-under-dog.html
There's one on the floor of my boat. He has a hook in him and he's trying to crawl away somewhere:crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html

Maybe I'm giving it to much thought. It's just a worm. Fish are flopping in my sink.
I don't know why I'm so hard on myself.I know bullied hey-friends-and-relitives.html
A guy has to eat:the-last-supper-bye-bob-jenkens.html
                           when I'm write I'm write

Friday, October 20, 2017

A trail as smooth as silk....

                       Let's do it

Walking a Kessler trail
I'm literally on an island
It's peaceful here
Wasn't that easy?

I wish I could lean against that tree
And die.
Get up from here and go over there
Sit down and it be over
Wasn't that easy?

I feel a cold breeze
against my bald head
Ahead of me I see questions
no answers, Just lessons
Which ones
Should I learn from?
list ones...

With the breeze I lost
the warmth from the sun
And what if they found me?
A week from now
Over there
Leaning against that tree.


Bob Jenkens

Monday, October 9, 2017

On your marks<:{ Get set>"} and Go!

                                    Just start reading

So look at that 10,000 pieces
It's a puzzle
All in pieces 
I can't tell what it is....
 Just start reading
Every piece
is of my life
 It's a puzzle
where I'm at
where I've been
It puzzles me...
Where i fit in i-with-lower-case-same-shit-diferent-day.html
Just start reading
lets put this puzzle together...
       See what it makes
Before I end up to be the last piece

Bob Jenkens

October 9th 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

watch me pull a rabbit out of my .... butt that trick never works

I never understood Rocky and Bullwinkle. The episodes were always continued.....
"Stay tuned for next time when Rocky says"? and then I never got to see what Rocky really said.
We all know squirels can't talk. And that moose can't pull a rabbit from his hat. It's Ironic that Boris looks like Kim Jung Un with a penciled in mustache.bobjenkensoutlookcom.html
 I'm no magician and I don't know any tricks in fact I tell my six year old if you ever say "watch this"
I want you to reconsider what your about to do.     If I told you "watch me pull a rabbit out of my butt". would you tune in..... That's terrible. but keep reading watch me pull out of this tail spin.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Someone left a pencil trail....

     across this piece of paper.
It's possibly some kind of indication...
     someone was here.
The trail is a not so coded message....
      Dixon no.2 lead.
The trail leads to me.
     A bored guy with a pencil......
         and nothing to hide!

Bob Jenkens

Monday, September 18, 2017

Teachers know... students never forget your words

Scott Clow was my wood shop teacher in high school. One of our class projects was to design and fabricate a coffee table. Mr Clow told us to take our time and make the best table we could because some of us would never amount to anything and still be using these tables when were old. I know rotten right? I still have my bread box too. I think it's a testimonial to my building capabilities.
(They've been in storage a couple times but I get them back out.)

I can't even remember what I did to him to make him so mad that he took me into the hallway and he lectured me.... he pounded his fists into his hands and said "the Teacher always wins"..
Your right Mr Clow my apology to you...i-wonder-if-any-of-my-teachers-ever told my parents I wasn't write? Other things you said to me as your student reside in  my head.
They were little secrets like after kneeling down to work use your hammer to push yourself back up. Or put your hands on your knees to push yourself up.
It helps take the wear off your back. Almost daily Mr Clow I take your advise.. Don't take any un necessary risk. Lift with your legs not your back.
Your write Mr Clow still working my ass off everyday-people-are-dieing-unnecessarily.html
Everyday... and I thank you for your secret to long life and  fresh bread.....

teacher-pooped-my-bubble.html Teachers don't be mean students never forget.


Why doesn't my brain just fix my life?
Like my body does when I get hurt or a cold.
Why doesn't my brain fix everything?
I would! If it were a physical act I could tell my body to do.
Although it seems more of an act of breaks.... and sticks.
Which I always get the short end of....

Bob Jenkens

"It's a long road ahead"

How long can people exists
before they are free?
How many times can a man turn his head
and pretend he doesn't see?

It's a long road ahead
I see the pain coming my way
Still I walk down this road
each and every day
as I think.... it begins to rain
It's only part of the hurt and the pain.
 I wipe my mind clear
and the rain disappears
for the rain isn't rain
but actually my tears.

I've cried in the day
I've cried in the night
I've crawled .... and still cried
It's a long endless fight!

Bob Jenkens

My grandpa Danny use to tell me "Learn you a trade" something to fall back on he would tell me.learn-you-trade-my-polish-grandpa-would.html .  There's no glamour in roofing and any more it seems I barely get by. I know it's not my purpose in life.... "to barely get by"....
I use to dream of being somebody.....Father told me "Just do what God asks you to do".crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html   Maybe I'm taking him to literal. My old body is really starting to feel the aches......Watch me pull a rabbit out of my butt.... Do not take every thing I say Literally... my-disclaimer.html

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Watch the sun and think of me...
I'll be there!
I'll sit and watch so carefully
I'll wish that you were here with me.
Sit and watch the sun slowly sink into the horizon.
When the sun is gone and you see no light
turn and look up...
   look into the night.
count the stars so high in the sky
for there's one for every tear I've cried.

Bob Jenkens

Zoe reading my poem

I wrote this poem in prison. I was nineteen years old when I was sent to prison for assault.
Three days after I started a five to ten year sentence my girl friend revealed to me she was going to be having our baby. Just like any nineteen year old would do we got married. Wasn't a fancy wedding!
Crystal would drive by the prison after visits or what ever and honk her horn. So realistically I wrote this piece with the sun setting on a double Constantine fence. Theodore Scott Clark born October 7 1987. I did my own divorce while still incarcerated. That's all I can say about that.

  In June 2001 fathers day in factI KNOW WHAT A MIRICLE LOOKS LIKE!
My daughter Zoe Blyss was born. I was news director at q-95 country and also doing part time at 102.5 wmxe. I learned to use a program to make commercials for the station cool edit pro.
One day I recorded some of my poems mixed with some smashing pumpkins music.
Then i got the ideal to have Zoe read this poem. Of course she was to small and couldn't read.
So I said a few words then put the microphone in front of her and she repeated me. Then I put the piece in cool edit pro I removed my voice and moved Zoe together and it sounds like she whips it right out my personal copy also has "BY STARLIGHT" by the smashing pumpkins mixed with it.
Zoe Blyss reciting CLEAR SKIES AND STAR


Sunday, September 10, 2017

911 "what's your emergency"?

When I get mad I don't turn green and bust down walls like the incredible hulk but my rage can be seen in my eyes when I'm mad. When something really makes me mad I always write about it. Tomorrow is September 11th though my 911 poem is not about September 11th today's date inspires me to share this piece.911
The poem is in my kindle direct book "what colors humanity"?
My dog Sparky is on the cover...what-colors-humanity.html
Our courts eat poor people. John T Glazier was my court appointed attorney. He called me to resign as my court appointed representation. I wrote a poem about him. I called him and read it to him. It's in this book. Who does that? I didn't even know a court appointed attorney could quit.

Some things I know I have to write about I just don't want to. Realistically I don't know where to start. I have written out of joy Love Hope The birth of my daughter.i-know-what-miricle-looks-like.html That's my daughters name on the cover with sparky. "Zoe Blyss Clark"  My son Gavin has his picture on my kindle direct book "will write for food" Gavin and I were homeless and Zoe lived with her mom and her mom made us do visits at the library so Zoe and I put this book together.
She was Spark's girl for sure. look at them sitting in the truck on my author page B Jenkens Amazon author page The three of us I wrote this to Zoe in 2008.Gavin wasn't born yet. We were being pulled apart and I wasn't sure what was going to come of us. the-three-of-us.html .
 It kills me were not together.....I still have sparky he's 15 years old now... We seen Zoe in June When we put my dads ashes at the cabin up north. what-color-are-you-does-it-matter.html
 Zoe don't go by Zoe anymore she calls herself Matt. She wears baggy clothing to hide her woman hood. She has side burns and a different voice.  When she was a small girl I had her read my poem clear-skies-and-stars.html .... And I put it on top by starlight be the smashing pumpkins.
 When we put my dads ashes down Sparky didn't even recognize Zoe... It kills me.
It hurt her him Zoe Matt. I don't know how it goes. I'm just me.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I'm not right in my head... I'm not my head!

Truth of the matter is I'm always writing in my head. I write to explain myself and the way I see life.
My punctuation spelling and grammar aren't politically correct. But their write in my head.teacher-pooped-my-bubble.html And what is politically correct anymore? It only raises questions in my head....I'm on lunch break right now...
I better get back at it... Just wanted you to know your in my head .... I want you to see me....
whats write in my head? welcome-to-united-states.html 


Monday, August 21, 2017

Clark lake elementary school (IDK the significance yet)

I went to Elementary school at Clark lake Elementary in Jackson Michigan
Columbia central school district Columbia apology . It was a k-6 elementary school with the average class around 30 students. It was about four miles from my house but I remember riding my bicycle to school with Mark Harbaugh and then riding bikes home after school. Parents today would go to jail letting their 10 year old kid set off on a four mile bike ride at six o'clock in the morning.
 I don't think kids today are any more or less responsible than we were in 1977 but I do think kids today have more challenging hurdles in their way of life. To be or not to be? Isn't the question any more.  whos-on-first-whats-on-second-where-is.html
  To be who? To be what? To be Free? It's the American dream!
 I can be anything I want to be. An astronaut or a geologist or even President of the United States!
We have choices to make. They start before we realize in life is that fair?crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html
  I can't help but constantly remember the choices I made in the third grade. I'm not sure this happened  I dream-pt it or its a premonition.
For some reason I  had been taken from Mrs Williams class which was off north lake road into Mrs Powers class room which faced North Lake road. At that time I was given some serious choices.
Do you want to live healthy and die poor? Or do you want to live un healthy and live wealthy?
Do you want to loose your hearing or loose your sight? Why do I have to choose? Pro-life.html
  I chose being healthy and living poor. I chose losing my hearing over my sight. At my age they both seem to dissipate. I don't remember what I choose but I sure fit the description of healthy and poor.

I've never eaten or ate a poor person
but I sure know what it taste like!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Day will turn into night (The world can change)

At work Friday  I was cutting boards to install windows in the barn Ben and I have been building. Ben wasn't there yet and I had a thought in my mind, I wrote it down on a piece of 2x6 about 36 inches long..... it's about the eclipse of the sun...... the poem is subject to change.
What if during the eclipse everything changed?   earth-quakes-volcanic-eruptions.html
 What if we were magnetically tilted just one degree? and nothing worked anymore?
I'm sure the eclipse will not change a thing...... but what if it could change Humanity?

2x6 about 36 inches long

I hope that on Monday
when the moon moves
between the Earth and Sun
People can stop "       "
and become one!
"Humanity" humanity.html

Watch the eclipse in real time

 The World can change.... That means the people. Not the day not the night..

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Missing in action.

When I die
I'm gonna die like an old dog
Just go out in the woods and
Hope no one misses me...
Put me on a milk carton
So everyone can see
I was write hear but
You couldn't notice me
To poor to see
To quite to hear...
I'm just an old dog that
don't know any tricks
don't chase a stick
or a frizbe
I didn't just lie here (and grow old)
but I'm able to see
this world fucking sucks
without people like me.


It happens all the time. A guy goes to get milk and eggs...... And never be seen again.     were-all-dieing.html?m=1

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Not the Soviet Union

The radio station was automated. My four-hour morning show was the only show not prerecorded or pulled in by satellite. It was WMXE 102.5 in Adrian Michigan. The stations format was best hits best variety.  At 5:58 am daily the network would fire our last spot before my show. I-worked-as-roofer-to-support-my-radio.html  It was Whitney Houston singing the National Anthem. After Whitney finished singing the station would go to dead air or my morning show would begin with the boss is still in bed block. Road conditions, weather, sports and news are required by a morning show host to convey to the listeners. In our weather we would mention three villages or towns and cities in the opening. Moscow is village on U.S 12 west of Michigan speedway in Brooklyn.
 In throwing Moscow into my weather, I'd say, "let's take a look at your mix 102.5 weather center forecast for the cities including (but not limited to) Brooklyn Somerset and Moscow" and then I would add "not the Soviet Union. I thought I was funny and who could be offended?
Well, I received a call from a woman one morning she told me she was from Russia. She gave me a history lesson on the phone told me Russia wasn't the Soviet Union anymore and I sounded stupid every time I said it. I told her I didn't know, and I was sorry if I offended her. She assured me she wasn't offended she just wanted me to know I sounded stupid. I continued selling my weather to "Brooklyn Somerset and Moscow not the Soviet Union" Hey people in Russia need to know the weather too. I had fun on the radio stupid-is-as-stupid-does.html even if I'm not Politically correct I try. I don't try and pretend I'm smart...teacher-pooped-my-bubble.html  My girlfriend Christina says "your stupid" to me all the time. I don't get mad. I'll find my purpose in life even if I have to invent something or write a book.The-jerk-do-you-remember-you-mean-im.html

the-Russians-are-coming-the Russians-are coming.html

Monday, August 14, 2017

It sure was a short summer Charlie Brown!

Before summer is really up look closely at the trees.
Specifically at their leaves

Attached to a new green shoot
this summers growth..... 
and then ponder this poem I wrote.

Winters Here

It’s the hard winter 
that turns  
The new green shoots of the maple tree brown.    
Long winters and hot summers
         is experience.

  That makes the tree wise enough?
To see the winds of spring approach.
But is still the joy to stand tall.
Even after the high winds
Much deserved
Fall is time to rest for…
Winters here.