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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

"Mulch" a parasite or life?

Why doesn't my brain just fix my life?
Like my body does when I get hurt
or a cold

Why doesn't my brain fix everything?
It would if it were a physical act it could tell my body to do.
Although it seems more of an act
of breaks and sticks which I always get the short end of.

Bob Jenkens

 I work hard every day. This week Gavin got sick first then me.
The both of us have been projectile vomiting for two days.
My whole body aches like I got hit by a truck. There's  a parasite that's invaded our bodies.
Gavin has missed school for two days and is almost over it.
 I missed work today but I can't afford to miss again tomorrow.
What gives a parasite the write to invade our life?
What gives life the write to take away our breaks sticks.....
our dreams?     



Saturday, October 21, 2017

Maybe I'll eat my words

I love to fish. It eases my mind. my-bucket-list.html (only when the fish are biting).
I love eating fish. I don't mind cleaning them but I feel bad for them. Watching me sharpen
my knife. Hopeless looking-for-hope-have-you-seen-her.html
I actually have to leave the fish in a bowl for a couple of days before I can eat them without considering how I ruined their little fish lives. A guy has to eat write?im-not-right-in-my-head-im-not-writein.html Today while I was fishing it got worse. The fish were biting good. I was using a small fly and then putting a small piece of night crawler on it. Just big enough for a fish to get in his mouth. As I'm tearing the worms in pieces I feel sympathetic to the worm. the-under-dog.html
There's one on the floor of my boat. He has a hook in him and he's trying to crawl away somewhere:crawl-walk-kneel-walk-or-crawl-just.html

Maybe I'm giving it to much thought. It's just a worm. Fish are flopping in my sink.
I don't know why I'm so hard on myself.I know bullied hey-friends-and-relitives.html
A guy has to eat:the-last-supper-bye-bob-jenkens.html
                           when I'm write I'm write

Friday, October 20, 2017

A trail as smooth as silk....

                       Let's do it

Walking a Kessler trail
I'm literally on an island
It's peaceful here
Wasn't that easy?

I wish I could lean against that tree
And die.
Get up from here and go over there
Sit down and it be over
Wasn't that easy?

I feel a cold breeze
against my bald head
Ahead of me I see questions
no answers, Just lessons
Which ones
Should I learn from?
list ones...

With the breeze I lost
the warmth from the sun
And what if they found me?
A week from now
Over there
Leaning against that tree.


Bob Jenkens

Monday, October 9, 2017

On your marks<:{ Get set>"} and Go!

                                    Just start reading

So look at that 10,000 pieces
It's a puzzle
All in pieces 
I can't tell what it is....
 Just start reading
Every piece
is of my life
 It's a puzzle
where I'm at
where I've been
It puzzles me...
Where i fit in i-with-lower-case-same-shit-diferent-day.html
Just start reading
lets put this puzzle together...
       See what it makes
Before I end up to be the last piece

Bob Jenkens

October 9th 2017